What resolution do you use?


New Member
Dec 24, 2020
Reaction score
Los Angeles
United States
Hello, I just got the U1000 and would like to know what resolution do you guys run? 4K 30FPS or QHD 60FPS? Any differences in quality that you notice? Anyone have videos or comparisons between the two resolutions on the U1000?
a couple of users have mentioned using the 2K setting as they felt the results were better, personal choice though I guess, try both and see which you prefer
The difference between the 4 and 2k is almost unnoticeable. Personally I think the 2k shows license plates slightly better. Specially on the fwy. But again. Not much difference. So I’m using 2k. I did do a couple of small videos to compare but didn’t keep them. I just don’t think the difference is worth using the extra space due to file size and the extra work 4K puts on the camera. 2k is also better in low light and videos appear smother. I’m in California and summers can get pretty hot. Anything I can do to help the camera stay cooler longer works for me.
I run mine 4K. If I run it 2K, I might as well buy the Q800 Pro instead.

Like many have mentioned already, the Q800 Pro is more than capable for most user's need. I have U1000 in 1 car and Q800 Pro in another. So far I don't see the need to upgrade the Q800 Pro.
I run mine 4K. If I run it 2K, I might as well buy the Q800 Pro instead.

Like many have mentioned already, the Q800 Pro is more than capable for most user's need. I have U1000 in 1 car and Q800 Pro in another. So far I don't see the need to upgrade the Q800 Pro.
The U1000 is the only one that has remote live view in parking mode in the Thinkware lineup. And some of us like having that feature. And like some have mentioned here. Is mostly a user choice thing between using 4 or 2k. Personally after my testing. I prefer 2k for low light recording and fwy recording when most of the time people are going 80 mph.
The U1000 is the only one that has remote live view in parking mode in the Thinkware lineup. And some of us like having that feature. And like some have mentioned here. Is mostly a user choice thing between using 4 or 2k. Personally after my testing. I prefer 2k for low light recording and fwy recording when most of the time people are going 80 mph.
Oh right. Sorry I missed that since I don't use that feature.
The T700 has live view in parking mode.
The T700 has live view in parking mode.
I guess I should have said. Available in the US. And I thought of waiting for it. But they take forever to arrive here. And also not sure I would want the LTE as part of the camera. With the ridiculously hot summers we have here. It would be another thing to deal with.