What to do at an accident?


New Member
Feb 28, 2013
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Dash Cam
Have you thought what to do if you see something interesting during driving the car? How to save the video clip just caught? (Sorry if this has been discussed earlier on this great site, but I haven't found that.)

If you have a small memory card and a long trip going on, it would be a risk that the important clip becomes overwritten. Is there a way to prevent this? Something more clever than stopping the recording for the rest of the driving? Until you are at your home computer?

Is there any panic button to push? I'm afraid not. I haven't found anything like it on my DVR-207. Does it exist on any other models of dash cams?
A 32Gb card will give around 10 hours of recording, so I wouldn't worry too much about losing the footage.

An alternative would be to keep a spare SD card in the glove box just in case.

Cheers :) Mario
I agree with mario on keeping a spare SD card in your car.

I dont have a 207 (yet) so I don't know how they work but there are other models that do have a 'panic' button that allow you to lock certain files so they do not get written over.
If I were involved in an accident, I would immediately remove the SD card (and/or the camera completely). The authorities may confiscate the card and use it against me before I even get a chance to make a copy. I may think it was totally the other guy's fault but my video may provide evidence (possibly selectively edited if it was seized) that I was actually at fault, if only at least partially. I'd rather hold back any evidence that may compromise my claim until the dust has settled. Insurance companies advise their clients to keep their mouths shut and just exchange identifying information. Drivers have been found guilty of being at fault after gushing statements like, "I'm so sorry, it was my fault..." in front of witnesses.
What to do at an accident? You jump out of your car, run up to the other driver and shout

"Ah got you on camera, sucka! You goin' down, biyatch!"

Then you punch the air with your fist and do a little football end-zone dance.

Note: the above advice should not be followed if the other driver is larger than you, or in a state where concealed carry is allowed.
Thank you for advice. I'll try to remember that.
RSole said:
If I were involved in an accident, I would immediately remove the SD card (and/or the camera completely). The authorities may confiscate the card and use it against me before I even get a chance to make a copy. I may think it was totally the other guy's fault but my video may provide evidence (possibly selectively edited if it was seized) that I was actually at fault, if only at least partially. I'd rather hold back any evidence that may compromise my claim until the dust has settled. Insurance companies advise their clients to keep their mouths shut and just exchange identifying information. Drivers have been found guilty of being at fault after gushing statements like, "I'm so sorry, it was my fault..." in front of witnesses.

I would ensure that I swapped the cards straight away just in case the authorities took possession of it.

I would also make sure that the "decoy" card that I insert had an episode of "Mr Bean" driving his Mini Cooper, just so the authorities get a laugh ;) when they review my "footage".

Cheers :) Mario
mariomart said:
RSole said:
I would also make sure that the "decoy" card that I insert had an episode of "Mr Bean" driving his Mini Cooper, just so the authorities get a laugh ;) when they review my "footage".

Cheers :) Mario

Ha ha, I remember that episode. Hilarious idea!
Hate to bust everyone's bubble, but unless someone dies in the accident, I am sure the police could care less of there was a camera or not. The police are not the ones who place blame. They just record the information and you are on your own with the insurance company to figure out who is at fault. Personally, if it was me, and it HAS happened to me not long ago, no one needs to know I have a camera until it gets to the point where the story gets questionable and blame may be placed where it doesn't belong.
horsepower said:
Personally, if it was me, and it HAS happened to me not long ago, no one needs to know I have a camera until it gets to the point where the story gets questionable and blame may be placed where it doesn't belong.

I'm of the same opinion, I'd be happy to not mention I have footage until such time as I needed it
But speaking seriously, of course, you don't say anything about it unless it is in your favour.

Does this even need to be stated?
Ramshackle said:
But speaking seriously, of course, you don't say anything about it unless it is in your favour.

Of course!!! :twisted:

If its your fault chuck that sd card out the window and fast!!! Hahahah
If the cop asks you if that's a camera in the windscreen, just tell him its a miniature roof mounted entertainment system for people on a tight budget.