when is SONY going to make their own dash cams?


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
United States
sony has made every electronic under the sun, even robot dogs. is there any talk of a sony dash cam?
one of my big issues with so many dash cams and why i like blackvue, is most cameras have a design that i dislike. i dont like cameras that look like "bells" hanging from a mount. i like that blackvues are very close to the window. ive always felt like even tho sony has stumbled over the past 15 years against its competitors, DESIGN is something they have always had down.
one of my big issues with so many dash cams and why i like blackvue, is most cameras have a design that i dislike. i dont like cameras that look like "bells" hanging from a mount. i like that blackvues are very close to the window. ive always felt like even tho sony has stumbled over the past 15 years against its competitors, DESIGN is something they have always had down.
There are so many awesome custom mounts that integrate much better than stock mounts.
There are so many awesome custom mounts that integrate much better than stock mounts.
I have looked at a lot of DIY stuff or third party stuff, but honestly when it comes down to it, stock mounts are going to be whats important to the target market.

i have seen lots of great DIY mounts for the mobius and cant wait to try fooling around with that camera as soon as I decide to drop money on one of them. my main issue is i am VERY VERY tempted to buy the innovv C3 isntead next.
one of my big issues with so many dash cams and why i like blackvue, is most cameras have a design that i dislike. i dont like cameras that look like "bells" hanging from a mount. i like that blackvues are very close to the window. ive always felt like even tho sony has stumbled over the past 15 years against its competitors, DESIGN is something they have always had down.

The future of dashcam design is B40 / A118 - style: low profile, whole unit stickto the windshield. I first saw it nearly 1y ago. Now I know about 5-6 similar design dashcams. More and more manufacturers starting to understand a concept of dashcam design. By the end of 2015 I believe majority of 1 channel dashcam manufacturers will go over to similar design.
I like this design and feel it's a better style but there's still a place for the suction cup style camera as well, can't see those slowing down too much, different market though
The future of dashcam design is B40 / A118 - style: low profile, whole unit stickto the windshield. I first saw it nearly 1y ago. Now I know about 5-6 similar design dashcams. More and more manufacturers starting to understand a concept of dashcam design. By the end of 2015 I believe majority of 1 channel dashcam manufacturers will go over to similar design.

I agree that this design is a coming and worthwhile trend in dash cams but I have one problem with it. As I've mentioned before here on DCT I live in a state that requires a vehicle inspection sticker exactly in the middle of the windshield just behind the rear view mirror in the "dash cam sweet spot". So, this requires me to mount cameras slightly to one side of the mirror or the other, adjusted for the different placement. The B40 / A118 style won't work for me as it only can have the lens facing straight ahead. The GuardTrak design presents similar issues for anyone like me who can't place a camera in the exact center of the windshield and since a number of states in the US have their inspection stickers in the middle of the windshield this represents quite a few potential customers here and perhaps elsewhere. I am hopeful that designers and manufacturers of this style of dash cam will come to appreciate the need for a lens that can be adjusted side to side as well as up and down.
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There will be something to address your concerns with the slight offset required soon, stay tuned

That's great news. In pondering how I might possibly be able to make a GuardTrak or similar style camera work for me I've been thinking in terms of DIY wedges/shims for mounting.