Where can I find firmware updates for Gearbest G1W-CB dash cam?


Dec 6, 2017
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United Kingdom
Where can I find firmware updates for Gearbest G1W-CB dash cam?

And yes, before anyone has a go that it was bought from Gearbest, I've personally never had a problem with GB so far. Maybe I've been lucky, who knows? GB even replaced another dash cam for me that never arrived and wasn't insured for either so hats off to them. Hope I'm not tempting fate lavishing them with high praise?
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Hi all

i have the same problem i cant install newest firmware :) i got 2015.1109.11

I am experiencing the last file corrupt issue with it. Also i cannot update new software because camera starts to recording normaly
I purchased my Blueskysea G1W-CB on 11 Oct. 2017. It came with firmware version 2017.0719.11AM - I presume this was produced on 19.July.2017 and may be the most up to date firmware version but I am not sure where to get this firmware.
I purchased my Blueskysea G1W-CB on 11 Oct. 2017. It came with firmware version 2017.0719.11AM - I presume this was produced on 19.July.2017 and may be the most up to date firmware version but I am not sure where to get this firmware.
Thank you Mark. You didn't have loop recording problem on it with this software?
I had the same 2016.0728.11am and bought also on gearbest
but i installed 2015.1109.11 and i got problem with corrupted files. I tried to install different one but without any success. Camera just power-on and starts recording :/
any more ideas? or software version to install?
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Thank you Mark. You didn't have loop recording problem in this software?
I have the same 2016.0728.11am and bought also on gearbest
but i install 2015.1109.11 because of loop recording problem. I try to install different but without any success. Camera just power-on and starts recording
With the firmware version 2017.0719.11AM I do not seem to have a problem and the camera appears to be working as it should.
But it would be nice to know where this firmware could be downloaded.
With the firmware version 2017.0719.11AM I do not seem to have a problem and the camera appears to be working as it should.
But it would be nice to know where this firmware could be downloaded.
I just found out this on one of Russian sites. It seems it is not for CB according to my previews research i mean folder names are different and this is for G1WH?


Umm, not sure. It could be for the G1WH and may not work with the G1W-CB
I would hate to try it and end up bricking my G1W-CB with potentially incorrect firmware.
Contact estore009, they may be able to know where to get the correct and up to date firmware for the G1W-CB.
and.. if you do find it post it here so that others can download it.
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Umm, not sure. It could be for the G1WH and may not work with the G1W-CB
I would hate to try it and end up bricking my G1W-CB with potentially incorrect firmware.
Contact estore009, they may be able to know where to get the correct and up to date firmware for the G1W-CB.
and.. if you do find it post it here so that others can download it.

Yes good idea. If anyone comes across the correct firmware please keep all those interested in the loop. I've just checked the firmware on mine (bought in July from Gearbest and it's version 2017.0111.10AM. As you can see from the title it's pretty similar to the one you have (2017.0719.11AM) though that maybe where the similarity ends, who knows?
Thank you Mark. You didn't have loop recording problem on it with this software?
I had the same 2016.0728.11am and bought also on gearbest
but i installed 2015.1109.11 and i got problem with corrupted files. I tried to install different one but without any success. Camera just power-on and starts recording :/
any more ideas? or software version to install?

I'm curious to know why you decided to install the 2015 file when you already had the (later?) 2017 file on your dash cam?
I'm curious to know why you decided to install the 2015 file when you already had the (later?) 2017 file on your dash cam?
it was 2016 ;)
As i said it was loop recording bug on this software. SD card became full device stop recording in fact but when you look on camera screen red light blinking and shows it's still recording. Someone in internet recommend to install this software it helps resolve loop but gives with corrupt last/random video
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it was 2016 ;)
As i said it was loop recording bug on this software. SD card became full device stop recording in fact but when you look on camera screen red light blinking and shows it's still recording. Someone in internet recommend to install this software it helps resolve loop but gives with corrupt last/random video

Oh yes I see now. Sorry I wasn't thinking. I'll try to remember what you said if mine goes the same way.