Which cam to buy?

Anthony Pham

Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
At first.. I was gonna purchase a G1W-H/C, then I realized it isn't that reliable.
I'm looking to hard wire the cam, I drive at night a lot, GPS would be a bonus, price around $50-130 ish unless ou guys can convince me on a better one. I don't wanna get the g1w and not get reliability from it. So I rather spend a bit more. If you guys need more info, just ask so you guys can help with my decision.

IMO the $69 Mobius is the only cheap cam built up to a standard, not down to a price.

Buy from a Mobius - approved seller, & avoid the risk of a 'knockoff' associated with other cams.

As for night performance, judge for yourself...

I agree with @russ331. (and it wouldn't be the first time on this particular subject :)) And since your budget would accommodate up to $130.00 (USD) for not whole lot more you could eventually buy another Mobius camera to install facing out your rear windshield if you come to find the first one is to your liking. The Mobius, especially with a super-cap is very discreet and reliable, plus it has received more firmware updates and subtle hardware improvements than virtually any other camera on the market.
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IMO the $69 Mobius is the only cheap cam built up to a standard, not down to a price.

Buy from a Mobius - approved seller, & avoid the risk of a 'knockoff' associated with other cams.

As for night performance, judge for yourself...

I agree with @russ331. (and it wouldn't be the first time on this particular subject :)) And since your budget would accommodate up to $130.00 (USD) for a not whole lot more you could eventually buy another Mobius camera to install facing out your rear windshield if you come to find the first one is to your liking. The Mobius, especially with a super-cap is very discreet and reliable, plus it has received more firmware updates and subtle hardware improvements than virtually any other camera on the market.

Thanks guys, I'll do some research on the Mobius. Is the rear any worth?
Is the rear any worth?
I think so. What can happen behind you is just as important as what can happen in front of you.
I used to run a front and rear all the time, but between testing new cameras took it out.
I find myself more often then not going Damn if only I left my rear camera in.
Thanks guys, I'll do some research on the Mobius. Is the rear any worth?

At this point I wouldn't be without a rear camera. Trust me, you'd be amazed what goes on back there. And often it's stuff you didn't notice until you see the videos.
Alright, I'll start with the front cam.

Thanks again guys
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