Wide angle is it to much?

Welcome to DCT @dextrious :)

The vid's Ive seen of the 66W on YouTube look good, perhaps a tiny amount of edge distortion if you look really closely. The main thing to understand here is that it's not even close to a 180 degree FOV horizontally (and that is probably true diagonally as well). Only a few dashcam manufacturers are accurate with these numbers in their advertising; it's all hype to out-do the competition's numbers :(

To get clear images edge-to-edge with the M12 lenses dashcams use limits us to about 135 degrees max. That's plenty really, especially with the very good vid quality of this cam. Search YouTube for "Garmin 66W" and see for yourself ;)

The vid's Ive seen of the 66W on YouTube look good, perhaps a tiny amount of edge distortion if you look really closely. The main thing to understand here is that it's not even close to a 180 degree FOV horizontally
it's around 130 degree going by the video, still a lot wider than most
HI , can you mount this camera upside down & reverse the video ? I have a mounting solution for nmy car but i may have to put in in upside down . Before i buy .
Don't see it in the options. Might not be possible because of cooling design, GPS antenna and driver assistance features.