Wrong GPS showing!!


New Member
Aug 4, 2014
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United Kingdom
Hi I'm new here
My new 0803 gives good video but I have a couple of queries

I did a long trip on Saturday and had a look at the video on the player that evening and everything seemed to be ok and the GPS tracker was there all ok. Sunday after another trip in a different area I checked it out again in the player and again good video but wrong GPS. It was actually tracking my previous days trip up the A1 on the GPS window but showing my local trip.
IS It me?? what am I doing wrong. Oh and this was with the external 32g chip that I ordered with the cam.
Actually with the 32g card in the slot it is impossible to use the 8g internal card despite my having tried to select the "inner" card and saved. the only way to use the "inner" card is to remove the "outer" one. Not a problem just another quirk.
Any help would be appreciated
had you deleted any files in between the first and second trips?

Hi Yes I deleted the video and everything by formatting the 32 g card, I thought so anyway. I assume you are asking me if I deleted just the video via my pc it would leave issues on the cam and confuse the GPS files
there are movie files and GPS files, if you had deleted one but not the other it may load the incorrect GPS data

best bet is format the card and give it another go
Hi Yes I deleted the video and everything by formatting the 32 g card, I thought so anyway. I assume you are asking me if I deleted just the video via my pc it would leave issues on the cam and confuse the GPS files
OK Jokiin I will do that and see what happens.
Are you using the viewer which was on the card or a seperate one like Registrator Viewer?
The camera creates .MOV files and GPS co-ordinate files, but the GPS + G sensor data are also embedded in the .MOV files.
Registrator Viewer doesn't use the seperate GPS files and takes all the data from the .MOV file.

Tranks Frank
The viewer from the card is all I used. It downloaded from the cam when I first connected it.
I believe Jokiin got the problem for me in his reply . I think I just deleted the MOV files and should have formatted the card. to clean everything.
It is only going to be an issue while I learn about the camera I suppose but at the same time I would like the peace of mind that it is recording everything as it should just so those weazles at the insurance Co don't have any excuses not to payout or whatever because the cam shows me in one place and the GPS in another. Its a good trick but I don't need it at my time of life.
I assumed that's what you had done too (Never assume!!!)
I didn't like the viewer that came with the cam, I downloaded Registrator Viewer as advised on this forum. It's free, doesn't entwine itself into the operating system (just runs from the .exe) and as I said, takes all it's data from the .MOV file so you won't run into problems like you just have.
Try it, you may like it :) I do

The viewer from the card is all I used.
See Jokiin's signature for Registrator Viewer, drop a copy in the root folder of your card and use that.

Frank, have you proved that it uses the video file GPS info if both copies are available? I wondered if it might still use the files as the data may be quicker to read?
My Mcafee says Registrator viewer contains viruses, any comment Frank
Frank, have you proved that it uses the video file GPS info if both copies are available? I wondered if it might still use the files as the data may be quicker to read?
I just copy the .MOV files to my laptop and play them from there. I don't copy the GPS data files but the location and G sensor data display correctly (well the location does, can't really check the G sensor data) on RV. I haven't tried copying the GPS data across as I don't feel there is a need, I'm happy with the results from just the .MOV files.
You may be right? do you copy both across?

Yep its the same Mcaffe blockes it.
I'll look into the separately thanks Frank. I will play around for a while and see what happens and anyway for the time being I can get up to loads of mischief because my dashcam shows me to be somewhere else and #I can prove it!!
Thanks guys
You may be right? do you copy both across?
No, I just copy the video, plus keep a copy of RV in the root of the card for when I don't want to bother copying. I started to wonder when RV started to take a long time to open as the size of my archive grew but I have no proof either way. If I had written it then I would just use the video file info as it then can't get mixed up, but you then have to scan through gigabytes of data to extract the full route to display it whereas the GPS files are only a few K.
Yep its the same Mcaffe blockes it.
I'll look into the separately thanks Frank. I will play around for a while and see what happens and anyway for the time being I can get up to loads of mischief because my dashcam shows me to be somewhere else and #I can prove it!!
Thanks guys
I've just downloaded again and run it, no problem. I think it's your McAfee that's the problem. If you want, PM me your email address and I'll send you the file that I have just downloaded. That's a point! can you PM on here?

OOoooH I like it !!!!! that works much better, Registration viewer I mean. I Just ignored Mcafee 's dire warnings. Thanks everyone all solved and sorted,-------------- --- till the next time!!!!