wrong password


Jul 21, 2018
Reaction score
just received DR750 and trying to connect to wifi but it says wrong password,

I did reset but nothing.

Whats strange is that SSID on cam is different from SSD on wifi.

I dont have any card reader so what can I do ?

NVM i used 16 gb card instead of 64 that was the error
Why do people use things like NVM (teenage text speak) that I have to Google for to find out what it means.:D
It's not even teenage text speak...
That's been around since at least the mid-90's when instant messengers were becoming a thing.

Emoji's are the new teenage text speak!


@genozzolo Just a FYI, check your DR750S box for a card reader. Should have included one in there.
I am so old school I can't bring myself to even use LOL. The first time I seen people us it was on FidoNet and didn't have a clue. Do we really miss those old days of dial up?
Also referencing everything with LIKE and literally.
I like literally went to the shops this afternoon.

What's wrong with, I went to the shops this afternoon.

Also why do people say they SEEN something as in post above.

The past tense of see is SAW . I see you now but I saw you yesterday as well.

Dont they teach English in schools any more.
Also referencing everything with LIKE and literally.
I like literally went to the shops this afternoon.
It's even worse when they actually didn't do what they "literally did". As in "I literately exploded with anger". No you didn't, otherwise you wouldn't be telling me the story, pillock.
Don't they teach English in schools any more.
It appears not. Missing and misplaced apostrophes is another one that makes me cringe.
LOL at the end of a sentence always make me think "Was it really that funny".
And as for "Should of". Well I despair.

Now watch out. The English language and grammar police are on the prowl.
The past tense of see is SAW . I see you now but I saw you yesterday as well.
You are quite right. In order for me to have used it properly is "had seen". "Saw" was shunned in our American English classes back in the 70's. eg. Have you saw this show? vs. Have you seen this show?
No, you are correct there. "Have you saw" is incorrect" and sound awful.

To mildly correct Hillbilly. The past tense of 'see' is either 'saw' or 'seen'.

Its "I see"or "I saw". Not "I seen"
But in an interrogatory sense its "Have you seen?" not "Have you saw?".

Jeez, the vagueness of the English language? Especially when our cousins across the Pond get hold of it and apply their particular spin to it.:LOL:

P.S. There is no such thing as American English. It is English, period. (or should I say 'full stop'?):ROFLMAO:
Jeez, the vagueness of the English language? Especially when our cousins across the Pond get hold of it and apply their particular spin to it.
I agree we did a number on it. There are so many variations of other languages mixed in, sometimes I am not able to understand what others are saying. Being tone deaf doesn't help either. American English classes was a bad order in the way I wrote it. I should have said our English classes in America. Layout can screw up perception.
We took King George's English and made it better ,I.e.,Jaguar, or missile!! Yuk, Yuk!
Jaguar American?:eek: I don't think so! Other than the cat variety. And the Chinese had missiles before us Brits even found America. Hee he.:D