www.mycarcam.nl [DUTCH]


New Member
May 9, 2013
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Dear users of dashcamtalk,

We have started a webshop in the Netherlands for dashcams since it is becoming more and more popular. As the title says our website is Website of MyCarcam. It is almost finished, this weekend everything will be done.

We have chosen to specialize our webshop on three products from the same brand. We started contacting the suppliers as listed on dashcamtalk.com, mainly in Korea. After having a lot of email contact with several manufacturers, we decided to choose for Jaewon, one of the biggest domestic sellers in Korea.

The products look very good, way better than the Chinese products we had came across. We choose for three products: IROAD IONE 900-HD, 3300-CH, 3800-FU. The first model is for starters, for a reasonable price. The second one has a front and rear camera. The third is the best of the selection, and provides full HD 1080p with many other useful options.

We have tried to lay focus on promoting the dashcam in general, since it is quite a new product in the Netherlands. There are maybe 10 other resellers of dashcams, but they only sell the cheap Chinese cams (Carcam etc, which are probably fake too). We think that the Dutch consumer will appreciate a good quality product for a bit higher price.

Pleas have a look at our site; www.mycarcam.nl (not 100% finished yet) and tell us what you think! Thanks in advance.

Many greetings,

Mark Kalse
Site looks nice, not sure about in Dutch but in English at least I think the word gadget downplays the professionalism of the product
jokiin said:
Site looks nice, not sure about in Dutch but in English at least I think the word gadget downplays the professionalism of the product

Ye thats useful feedback! :D I think we have to change the slogan indeed, any suggestions?
MyCarcam said:
jokiin said:
Site looks nice, not sure about in Dutch but in English at least I think the word gadget downplays the professionalism of the product

Ye thats useful feedback! :D I think we have to change the slogan indeed, any suggestions?

yeah I'm not really sure what you would use there, I guess that might be a cultural difference as to what you might use that conveys the right message, in English at least Gadgets (for adults at least) are often thought of as big boys toys, something we want but don't really need, a luxury, for me I would want to convey the message of this being a necessity, something you really don't want to be without, something that's reliably looking after your interests at all times, for most people a vehicle is the second largest purchase they will ever make so the need to protect your investment is what (I personally) would try and convey, wrapping that up in a 3 word slogan of course isn't an easy task

not a criticism at all, I really like the look of the site

also I don't know if it's important in your market at all but the site doesn't look very good on a mobile device, the navigation is all over the place, maybe something for your web guy to look at if it's important to you
Hi jokiin,

Thanks again for your reply. We have fixed the problem for mobile devices, seems to be working now. This weekend we will finish our site (Lots of information about dashcams will also be included, might be useful for the dutch people out here).
About Jaewon you should read the feedback on our forums.
If you want quality dashcam you should think also to taiwanese dashcams as Vico.

In China,it seems very slow to open the website,but when I finally opened,it looks simple and decent,I like this style.
But it seems only have one brand,still not ot various brands,I guess if place more brands may looks more useful and easier to choose.........