X2 exposure settings


Active Member
Jan 19, 2015
Reaction score
New Zealand
New Zealand
Dash Cam
Panorama X2, MiVue388
I've been trying to look at the useful exposure of the X2 for capturing details and wonder if these findings will help improve the overall settings.

In bright sun, there is burn out and the information is not recorded.
Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 5.57.56 pm.png

In overcast conditions or low light, exposure is fine, but the shutter speed is too slow, causing motion blur.
Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 5.36.24 pm.png

In bright conditions, the exposure is too dark, but the shutter speed is fast enough to freeze the image, so at least you can lighten things up to get the information you need via photo edit software.
Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 5.45.26 pm.png

The conclusion is under exposure is preferable to overexposure and once you drop below too slow a shutter speed, its pointless being correctly exposed if you are looking to pull data (such as a number plate) from the footage.

However this may or may not be overridden by the desire to just record what happens as accurately as possible, rather than "who" did it.
Yeah X2 is on fully automatic settings from what Sungmoon has said in the past when we've raised these sorts of issues - glad you've posted this as it proves it's not just Niko and myself who would like to see it tweaked.

He was worried about changing it and upsetting the customer base which is why I think if the low setting applied to daytime footage it would sharpen things up quite a lot.

Different metering modes could help as well which Sila has mentioned in the past.

The hardware is definitely capable but I think tweaking this sort of image quality was on the back burner while they sorted out exfat and now some of the random problems that are appearing with BDP. Fingers crossed :)