Yi 4k cant connect my Android Phone


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Jan 21, 2021
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yi 4k I have a problem with wifi that cannot connect to version 1.1.0, and when it is disabled, it always says the camera is busy, after I update to version 1.10.9 the wifi won't turn on. can anyone help me to solve this problem? please!
Yi 4k

Go there : https://github.com/psolyca/Yi_4k_ROOTFS/releases/tag/v1.10.52
Download firmware_1.10.52.bin, rename it firmware.bin, copy it to the SDCard.
Download default_wifi.conf, renamte it wifi.conf, configure it as you wish, copy it to the SDCard
Reboot the cam, update
Wifi should work.

BTW, firmware 1.10.52 have a bug with space in SSID, so avoid it yet. Next firmware wil have a fix.

If you have trouble and have Discord, follow my signature.

Go there : https://github.com/psolyca/Yi_4k_ROOTFS/releases/tag/v1.10.52
Download firmware_1.10.52.bin, rename it firmware.bin, copy it to the SDCard.
Download default_wifi.conf, renamte it wifi.conf, configure it as you wish, copy it to the SDCard
Reboot the cam, update
Wifi should work.

BTW, firmware 1.10.52 have a bug with space in SSID, so avoid it yet. Next firmware wil have a fix.

If you have trouble and have Discord, follow my signature.


Go there : https://github.com/psolyca/Yi_4k_ROOTFS/releases/tag/v1.10.52
Download firmware_1.10.52.bin, rename it firmware.bin, copy it to the SDCard.
Download default_wifi.conf, renamte it wifi.conf, configure it as you wish, copy it to the SDCard
Reboot the cam, update
Wifi should work.

BTW, firmware 1.10.52 have a bug with space in SSID, so avoid it yet. Next firmware wil have a fix.

If you have trouble and have Discord, follow my signature.
this doesn't work I updated the firmware and wificonfig but the results are the same, wifi is active but not readable on my cellphone, and when I try to turn off wifi it always says camera busy.
Thank you for your help, I hope this problem can be resolved


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Could you attach your wifi.conf, the file wifi.log which should be on the SDCard.
Do you use AP or Station mode on the Yi ?

It is normal that the cam is still busy but past 2 min you could have another problem. You should see "FAKE" in wifi information if a problem occured.
If not, there should be a problem elsewhere.

Could you attach your wifi.conf, the file wifi.log which should be on the SDCard.
Do you use AP or Station mode on the Yi ?

It is normal that the cam is still busy but past 2 min you could have another problem. You should see "FAKE" in wifi information if a problem occured.
If not, there should be a problem elsewhere.
like this is the wifi log.

Call_Time: Tue Jan 26 19:39:45 UTC 2021
Call_Script: /usr/local/share/script/wifi_configure.sh AP_CHANNEL_5G=0 AP_SSID=YDXJ_2002753 AP_PASSWD=1234567890 AP_COUNTRY=ID WIFI_MAC=58:70:C6:1E:8F:41 WIFI_MODE=ap CHIP_TYPE=43340
SET Wi-Fi Config > AP_CHANNEL_5G=0
SET Wi-Fi Config > AP_SSID=YDXJ_2002753
SET Wi-Fi Config > AP_PASSWD=1234567890
SET Wi-Fi Config > WIFI_MAC=58:70:C6:1E:8F:41
SET Wi-Fi Config > WIFI_MODE=ap
SET Wi-Fi Config > CHIP_TYPE=43340

----------------------------call result ok-----------------------

Call_Time: Tue Jan 26 19:39:45 UTC 2021
Call_Script: /usr/local/share/script/wifi_xy_restart.sh
stop Wi-Fi ...
kill -9 dnsmasq for wlan0
kill -9 udhcpc for wlan0
killall wpa_supplicant wpa_cli wpa_event.sh
t gpio 124 sw out0
Stop wifi check
start Wi-Fi from system ...
Load wifi.conf from SDCard ...
t gpio 124 sw out0
t gpio 124 sw out1
enter wifi firmware loading
loading ap
load_mod > MAC = CHIP = 43340
There is no WIFI interface! pls check wifi driver or fw
restart Wi-Fi finished ...

----------------------------call result ok-----------------------

I use AP mode, I have tried to reset wifi, and my camera the results are the same. Many articles and social media gurp have experienced the same problem and have not found a solution. thanks for your response to help me

Could you try station mode of the Yi ? Your smartphone in AP mode and try to connect to it.
I just want to know if this is only AP or if this is a more general problem.

With your log, it seems to be in or after load.sh.
Could you try this firmware before http://beta.psolyca.ovh/firmware_1.10.53_dev.bin, there is a new fix for wifi configuration but it is a beta firmware.

If that do not work, I will try to provide you a firmware with more log to narrow down where is the bug.

If you can, try to connect to the Discord server as you can send me private data like your wifi.conf file if you do not want to send wifi / password here.
Also I am more present than here, and I could 'talk' to you directly even if you have +6 hours ^^


Could you try station mode of the Yi ? Your smartphone in AP mode and try to connect to it.
I just want to know if this is only AP or if this is a more general problem.

With your log, it seems to be in or after load.sh.
Could you try this firmware before http://beta.psolyca.ovh/firmware_1.10.53_dev.bin, there is a new fix for wifi configuration but it is a beta firmware.

If that do not work, I will try to provide you a firmware with more log to narrow down where is the bug.

If you can, try to connect to the Discord server as you can send me private data like your wifi.conf file if you do not want to send wifi / password here.
Also I am more present than here, and I could 'talk' to you directly even if you have +6 hours ^^

This firmware does not work, the wifi is on but and flashing but not visible on my smartphone, when I try to turn off the wifi it still shows the camera is busy, and sometimes the black screen freezes and I can't do anything on my camera the touchscreen doesn't work nor the power button, I have to turn off my camera by pulling out the battery and when the camera is active the wifi is off. And the problem is still the same, I can't see my camera's wifi through a smartphone, even I tried with another smartphone, it wasn't detected at all, even though it was done manually.

I'm sorry I really want to communicate with you more, but I don't understand Discord, and my main problem is that I can't speak English, I also use the help of google translate to communicate with you.

Ok no problem for Discord ^^

Have you tried to play with frequences, go from 5 GHz wifi to 2.4 GHz. By default it is 5 GHz, force it in the wifi.conf file.
Also try to play with the channel but I think it is not very usefull.

I did not had time yesterday to build a special firmware for you.
By The Way, every time you try a firmware, please send me the wifi.log it will be easier to see what is going wrong.

Also I just ask my self, to you use special characters in your wifi SSID ? Yi4K is not UTF-8 compliant and I do not know if you can use them.
I've tried many firmware many times before I even found this forum, about the frequency I have tried it many times and the results are still the same. regarding the special characters on my wifi SSID, I didn't change anything. I just bought this product in a sealed condition, when I tried to connect to wifi on my smart phone from the start it couldn't be connected. and I also don't understand anything about scripts. even to display wifi logs I read a lot from this forum I see you really understand this.

when I try to paste the wifi log here it seems the text is too long, I try to attach it.


Ok thanks for the log.

You do not need to understand anything about scripts ^^ I am doing it for you.
By the way, there seems to be trouble with your wifi chip.
I think of some procedures to troubleshoot your cam but I need little time to build a firmware.

Could you also give me the 7 first characters of the serial number of the Yi, it should begin by Z16V ?

Thanks for your patience.
Anyway, you told me earlier that you were not the only guy having this problem.
Could you share this thread to other to be able to have more information ? The more you are, the better will be the debug.
I only hope it is not a hardware problem !
yes of course, this is the serial number of my yi 4K camera. Z16V13LR630

I also hope it's not a hardware problem, but even the seller who sells this product seems to know that the more than 10 yi4K he sells are experiencing the same thing, it's just that some people don't care about it, but this is very useful for me because of the need for this feature for me is very important.

of course I will try to share this with the Facebook group Yi Cam Comunity Indonesia
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I did not forget you.

I am making a special firmware but have some trouble.
Yes you know, development is two step forward, one step backward and go on ^^
My cam has already had bad flashes and it still functionning ^^
Sorry I had lots of things to do these past 4 days.
So, can you try the firmware : http://beta.psolyca.ovh/firmware_1.10.53_WIP.bin
As usual, rename it firmware.bin and copy it on your SDCard.
On the root of your SDCard create 2 empty files :
console_enable.scripts save_log_enable.scripts

Then, after rebooting do all test, connection with station mode, AP mode.
Then attach here your wifi.log file.
If you have files called :
RtosActive.log RtosOlder.log RtosOldest.log
Attach them here.

To avoid trouble, use temporary passwords when trying wifi.
Hi, thanks for trying to help me, I have tried your firmware, but the problem is still the same, my camera is so hot when I turn on the wifi then I can't do anything to my camera, and finally I pulled out the battery again to make it back to normal, however wifi is still problematic.
I try to attach the data on my camera, regarding save_log_enable.script and console_enable.script the contents are still empty?


Yes those .script files are empty, it is just flags for internal behaviour.

Could you try the firmware (same name as the previous one but updated) : http://beta.psolyca.ovh/firmware_1.10.53_WIP.bin ?

I have added more log, more test and more command...
I think of one possibility, your hardware is different from US or EU and as I have removed lots of "uneeded" command in scripts maybe everything is not loaded properly.
Another one is that you have broken hardware but it will be harder to debug.

Your wifi.log should be big but that is normal.
Please test and attach your log files.