Your experience with Motion Detection in Parking Mode?


Active Member
Jan 29, 2021
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I have tried MotionDetection in Parking Mode and it is not reliable, sometimes failing to record when motion is detected. Has the A229 improved in this area or is it the same old, same old?

I use low-bitrate Parking Mode with the A129 Duo. It's reliable.
Not really, I tried it, but recording started after the car in front of me finished parking. Which is too late. Low bitrate recording works fine.
Motion detect have always been flawed in one way or another, most times though being far too sensitive, and so if you park in a regular place there will pretty much always be something that keep the camera recording all the time.

I only use low bitrate parking, but i do have G.sensor on too to mark any actual events, this will be most helpful if you park really long periods with parking guard on, but i just use 3 hours on the timer.
Say you have been parked for 10 hours but someone hit your car shortly after you parked, if you did not have G-sensor on you would have to sit and watch all the footage to find the event, which will be even harder if its a minor thing.
Low bitrate recording (in any camera) >>> Motion detect (in any camera).
This is not specifically a Viofo, nor an A229 issue
Motion detect have always been flawed in one way or another, most times though being far too sensitive, and so if you park in a regular place there will pretty much always be something that keep the camera recording all the time.

I only use low bitrate parking, but i do have G.sensor on too to mark any actual events, this will be most helpful if you park really long periods with parking guard on, but i just use 3 hours on the timer.
Say you have been parked for 10 hours but someone hit your car shortly after you parked, if you did not have G-sensor on you would have to sit and watch all the footage to find the event, which will be even harder if its a minor thing.
I haven't had any g-sensor activations so far. Is the file name different for a g sensor event or does it store the file in a different folder? BTW, when I want to go thru the footage quickly, I just fast-forward with the mouse. One low-bit-rate parking mode file can be viewed in 15 to 25 seconds depending how fast you want to go thru it.
G-sensor triggered recordings go in the RO folder, so do manual created ones, anbd i think also motion detect events, the latter being a issue as often motion will generate a lot of events filling up the segment of the memory card size set aside for RO files, CUZ many modern cameras actually also overwrite these files when that memory space are full,,,,,,, but dont worry it is a larger part of the total memory card side, so room for many many events, but motion can created OMG many many files so it is a flawed way.
But the low bitrate parking guard recording are just treated as regular footage, so this is not protected in any way, hence why you need a plenty large memory card.

I almost go for a drive every day though like today just a short 1/2 mile trip to the shops, and so returning home my camera generate 3 hours of parking guard footage, but with the 256 GB card i use i have footage on it going back a week.
Only two times a week do i undertake a longer drive, in that case its 2 X 40 minutes of driving to go visit and shop for my old mother and then back home, so in total its APPROX 3 hours of driving i do in a week..
Now thats not much compared to a working guy that drive to and from work every day, and so can do something like 2 hours a day just for driving, but i think even here you at least have some days worth of footage + what ever is locked in the RO folder by manual pressing the event button as i do to save little things in traffic.
I dont use G-sensor when i drive CUZ i have plenty of storage to have a small event and limp 40 KM home if need be.
Also using a large memory card, i am not worried having am major accident, get knocked out unconscious and off the road, with the size of my card i will have to sit there with the engine still running for days for the memory space to fill up and get to where it would start to overwrite the recording of the event itself.

And thats not going to happen in little old Denmark, it is probably also a rare thing even in Big old mountainous Canada.

PS: i think many modern systems also have a combination, so motion will wake up the camera, but if there are no G-sensor event it will just go to sleep again and save nothing.
Other of the expensive smart cameras will do the same only it is a radar that wake up the camera, but again if there are no G-sensor event it will go right back to sleep, using this radar trick can greatly extend the time a system are able to be in parking mode as the system can go to a even deeper sleep and so conserve more power.

You can always test the G-sensor if its working by bitch slapping your windscreen where the camera are when it is parked, if you have the LEDs on you can look in the side window and see it is recording a parking guard event,,,,, or you can look at the footage too of course.
You can also kick a wheel hard ( with the sole of your foot ) at least that way i have also been able to trigger the G-sensor on cameras in parking mode.