Powerucc Panorama2

There is no so called "other countries FW". All latest ones are universal for all countries.
Mine still working strong after nearly 1 year of every day "abuse" and no issues yet with latest firmwares.
Have you tried formatting a SD card inside the unit before use ?
Also try latest v1.12.04 FW.
And ask from @yuriy , how FW works fir him, he is also from Ukraine.
Note to all other Panorama II owners who have already updated to latest 1.12.04 FW, - please share your experience.
There is no so called "other countries FW". All latest ones are universal for all countries.
Mine still working strong after nearly 1 year of every day "abuse" and no issues yet with latest firmwares.
Have you tried formatting a SD card inside the unit before use ?
Also try latest v1.12.04 FW.
And ask from @yuriy , how FW works fir him, he is also from Ukraine.

Yes, I formate SD card inside device before use.
Ok, I will try 12.04 version.
Thanks for suggestions.
Note to all other Panorama II owners who have already updated to latest 1.12.04 FW, - please share your experience.
Good evening. I'm on firmware v.1.12.02 test done every day for 20 days firmware-super. On the test firmware v.1.12.04 spend since the publication works steadily to no glitches not broken files. Firmware happy for that, thanks to Nico Manufacturer and supporter. Taras, if you have problems with the firmware, write me a PM in their native language will be more concepts
Hey all,

new to the forum and this camera. Can someone tell me what the X Y & Z numbers are for? I don't have a GPS hooked in some the km/h numbers stay blank but the others are constantly changing.

Hey all,

new to the forum and this camera. Can someone tell me what the X Y & Z numbers are for? I don't have a GPS hooked in some the km/h numbers stay blank but the others are constantly changing.


G-Sensor data.
G-Sensor data.

This is what triggers an "event" recording? Why would I have any data at a red light and stopped like in the photo?

The cam came with the sensor set at medium, just hitting a bump in the road set it off, I turned it to low and some bumps set it off and others of the same size do not. Too sensitive, even at low so I turned it off altogether.
Play it back through Registrator Viewer. You can see the graphs associated with those numbers.
Too sensitive, even at low so I turned it off altogether.
Agree with you. It's too sensitive and I also turned it off. Developer working on "too-sensitive G-sensor issue".
Why would I have any data at a red light and stopped like in the photo?

The g-sensor is always working, even while you're stopped at a red light. The most obvious force acting while stopped would be gravity pulling down on your car, hence the 0.9 reading on the Z axis. X and Y axis should be a value of almost 0 since no forces are acting moving you forward, backward, left or right.
The g-sensor is always working, even while you're stopped at a red light. The most obvious force acting while stopped would be gravity pulling down on your car, hence the 0.9 reading on the Z axis. X and Y axis should be a value of almost 0 since no forces are acting moving you forward, backward, left or right.

Spot on @gravity !
The g-sensor is always working, even while you're stopped at a red light. The most obvious force acting while stopped would be gravity pulling down on your car, hence the 0.9 reading on the Z axis. X and Y axis should be a value of almost 0 since no forces are acting moving you forward, backward, left or right.

Thanks. Guess it's a bit too technical for me. All I know is the sensor, while a nice idea, is just too sensitive and not consistent. I've hit the same bump at the same speed a few times, at the low setting the G would only sometimes sound. With all the bumps and potholes in my area the sensor stays off.
And this is all dependent on your cars suspension setup. If you drive a nice luxury saloon you might not register the bumps. Drive a lowered sportcar with stiff suspension and every little bump will set it off.
I think a numerical value would be the best solution. Something we can manually adjust ourselves instead of being locked into "high medium low" only settings. That way cars with soft suspension can set it higher, and we can set it lower so that only severe bumps will register as an event.
I think a numerical value would be the best solution. Something we can manually adjust ourselves instead of being locked into "high medium low" only settings.

I completely agree... Maybe offer sensitivity values between 1 and 10 where 10 = "Even the slightest touch on the windshield will trigger an event" and 1 = "You need a head-on collision at > 60 MPH to trigger an event". I'd probably go for some value near 3 or 4... By my guesstimate, the current high/medium/low settings in the Panorama II are somewhere near my imaginary 7, 8 and 9.
About G sensor senstivity, I should let it know. G sensor value always moving. Even gravity can give influence. It is recorded at scene & can play by graphe.

Then what is difference with nomal file with G sensor triggered file?
Before panorama 2 has only one folder.
So I locked to prevent looping.
Now system is upgrade, so it has event folder. Event folder means the file is triggered by g sensor. But this file is not locked. So can be loop also. Just people can find it easily at that folder.
It means no any difference with nomal file. I understand people talk about senstivity. But accidents also can give weak signal. The acceleration value change was considered to ignore.

On the parking mode, some people ask to increase more senstivity. It has logic.
On the difference road situation, I should consider what is main purpose of g sensor. If people think, it is too senstive still, I will match to 1.08.05 value again.
Thanks to hear,,,
And this is all dependent on your cars suspension setup. If you drive a nice luxury saloon you might not register the bumps. Drive a lowered sportcar with stiff suspension and every little bump will set it off.
I think a numerical value would be the best solution. Something we can manually adjust ourselves instead of being locked into "high medium low" only settings. That way cars with soft suspension can set it higher, and we can set it lower so that only severe bumps will register as an event.

Suspension? What's that? :D;) I drive a JEEP!
About G sensor senstivity, I should let it know. G sensor value always moving. Even gravity can give influence. It is recorded at scene & can play by graphe.

Then what is difference with nomal file with G sensor triggered file?
Before panorama 2 has only one folder.
So I locked to prevent looping.
Now system is upgrade, so it has event folder. Event folder means the file is triggered by g sensor. But this file is not locked. So can be loop also. Just people can find it easily at that folder.
It means no any difference with nomal file. I understand people talk about senstivity. But accidents also can give weak signal. The acceleration value change was considered to ignore.

On the parking mode, some people ask to increase more senstivity. It has logic.
On the difference road situation, I should consider what is main purpose of g sensor. If people think, it is too senstive still, I will match to 1.08.05 value again.
Thanks to hear,,,

Not worried about the file/folder/looping, I don't like the beep or the screen coming on for that 20 seconds. I download and delete my files each day, saving only one or two of something that interested me.

On a side note, I don't have the viewer mentioned here, where can I get a copy just to have,
Thanks Niko, that's exactly what I wanted to see! I guess I was using the wrong search terms before. Anyways, doesn't look to be very modular inside.

About internal parts:

Built quality, material used, soldering points etc. are really high quality, no complaints here.
PCB is covered with protective metal shield. Also CMOS is covered with protective metal shield as well to eliminate electromagnetic interference.
To add to all above mentioned, the inner shell painted with expensive EMI / RFI shielding paint ( Electromagnetic Field paint ).
As you see from pictures, CMOS sensor is separated from PCB, - this is in order not to allow direct transfer of CMOS heat to PCB and this way keep inner heat to lower temperature. This all give ability to work in so called extreme weather.
Coach 12p CPU working temperature is only +40C, which gives stable performance.
Panorama 2 can work within -20+70 ( chamber tests +90 ).

Of course there are some things that developer still working on ( G-sensor is too sensitive ) and maybe there is a lack of customized settings from the menu regarding colour, sharpness, etc ( all is default ), but overall taking into consideration price vs reliability and performance, - it has been good product.