MicroSD ejection/insertion tool


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2015
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United States
With a dashcam tucked behind the rear view mirror I found it was almost impossible to eject/insert micro SD card into the slot. I made a small ejection/insertion tool to help with that.
P1030328.JPG P1030332.JPG P1030334.JPG P1030336.JPG
Nice.. but does it allow you to push the SD in far enough to latch it? And.. as it tends to jump when unlatched be prepared to find it on the carpet if your gadget did not securely hold it.
Will not work for me.
Mine is on the side next to rv mount.
Need to be right angled short tool like my thumb.
Will not work for me.
Mine is on the side next to rv mount.
Need to be right angled short tool like my thumb.
I am looking into making a short cable extension with male microSD on one side and female microSD on other.
I know there are already some on the market, but they are too long - I worry about interference and data corruption. A short (~2in) should suffice and it shouldn't cause any data issues.
I am looking into making a short cable extension with male microSD on one side and female microSD on other.
I know there are already some on the market, but they are too long - I worry about interference and data corruption. A short (~2in) should suffice and it shouldn't cause any data issues.
There are micro to SD extender for cheap and you can use micro SD with adapter or full size SD cards.

I use the corner of the SD card adapter to pop mine out.

....then i drop the microSD card and it falls into the crack between the seat and centre console.
One of my 32GB ejected and landed somewhere in the car, right in front of my eyes, I saw it flying past my eyes but still missing after 2 years. :mad:
I've discovered that the "Flying Card" trick happens with only newer and bigger cards- you never lose old small-capacity ones :p So I have learned to "fool" my camera by saying "I think I'll just use this small crappy card for awhile ' and the camera plays along nicely after that.

If someone could mass-produce a good cheap tool that worked for all dashcam situations they'd quickly sell thousands of them.

Are you guys aware that most slots don't require you to push in to eject? If you put a pull tab on the card, you can just remove and insert without the customary "click" and associated flight risk.

I use this thingy (similar to what lacibaci done):

Eight bucks from amazon :D
The corner of a credit card works for me. In the car I always have one on me and it's one less tool to get and look after!

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Are you guys aware that most slots don't require you to push in to eject? If you put a pull tab on the card, you can just remove and insert without the customary "click" and associated flight risk.

Every time I cut my fingernails I promise myself to do this.
As soon as my nails grow a bit the idea gets put aside. :oops:
Edit> Well I've just done it to the 2 spare cards in front of me, it's quick and easy. I'll keep the tape dispenser by my PC and carry out the 'mod' on each card as I review them.
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Ballpoint pen usually works.

(all of my cards have strange ink marks)
A few days ago i was 100% sure i had lost the 128Gb card from my GC camera, but as it turned out the 5 time i put my hands in my left jeans pocket i found it :rolleyes: dunno why i dident find it the first times cuz after attempt 2 with no lock i got pretty nervous and frustrated.

The tape mod above are also what i did on a card shortly after i launched my first 64Gb U3 card out of my car and into pea sized stone gravel.
It is the mod i feel best about i must say, but i have not done it since then though i now have many more cards and cameras to deal with, could be i have become more careful and it some cases retrieve the whole camera and not just the card when i want footage off them ( mobius - x cam and so on used around the car )

I have launched a card once or twice out of a SJcam in my living room, and one of the times i did spend a little time on my hands and knees with my ass in the air, but my hardwood floor are more pleasant to crawl around on than pea sized stones, and i had the general area nailed down as i heard it land.
Yup, it takes less than 5 minutes and most of that time is finding where I've hidden the tape and scissors from before. Memory cards are cheaper today, but I still wouldn't want to see a 64g or 128g card fall down a dash vent. I've not had a single instance of unintended launch or loss of grip since adding the tab.


Well I've just done it to the 2 spare cards in front of me, it's quick and easy. I'll keep the tape dispenser by my PC and carry out the 'mod' on each card as I review them.
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