Open ports in Yi 4K - Broken screen


New Member
Mar 27, 2017
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I broke the screen on my Yi4k some time ago. I followed some instructions some months ago and turned on Wi-Fi but after that I upgraded my firmware and the welcome screen appeared and I was stuck again.

Today I returned to the forums and saw many new information on how to change that setting and finally that issue was fixed.
The firmware version of the camera was old (1.4xx) and I decided not to update it.
It updated ok but it started rebooting a few seconds after startup. I decided to delete all the files from the SD card to try and clear that error.

The camera stopped rebooting but it now gives an error stating that the SD card is bad and asks me if I want to format it. I CANNOT TOUCH THE SCREEN !!!! ;)

Now I am stuck again. For a breef moment I could enable telnet but after some reboots (testing some paths to try and solve the issue)
I tried to format the card in windows (FAT32 - 64k aloc, restoring the old files and folders I deleted,etc) nothing worked.

Now, for some reason, wifi is on. I can connect to hotspot and ping the address but I cannot telnet.
Ports 23 and 7878 are not reachable. How can I correct this !?

I assume this ports are needed for the android app in order to connect the phone to the camera.
So I am stuck yet again.

My next attempt would be to change the security of the files in the SD card within the linux of the camera.
I do not know if there is some way we can force the camera to format the SD card. Can anyone help me ?
Please !!!

So close, yet so far.......