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  1. E

    My law blog regarding dashcams

    One thing I've learned as an attorney is that a lot of issues in litigation would not occur if people acted reasonably in everyday matters. So, in that regard, I would say let what you believe a reasonable jury/judge would think is reasonable be your guide. Is it reasonable for a driver with...
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    My law blog regarding dashcams

    Hate to burst bubbles all the time, but what your suggesting has potential pitfalls. Assuming an accident causes significant damage, the opposing side would most likely retain an attorney. The attorney, as a matter of standard operating procedure, would request all documents, including videos...
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    My law blog regarding dashcams

    You might want to check your rules of civil procedure. A request for production of documents will usually ask for any videos or pictures of the accident, in which case you will have to produce the footage to the opposition.
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    My law blog regarding dashcams

    In your scenario, I would agree that it is nice to have a dash cam. But, what if I were a terrible driver who was more likely to cause an accident? Would it really behoove me to have a dash cam? Or, what if I was speeding when someone made an improper last second lane change into my lane...
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    do you let your dash cam record audio inside the car?

    My opinion on this is that save for a few circumstances, recording of audio outside the vehicle in public is fine in almost every state. Regarding recording audio inside the vehicle, it depends on whether you drive on a "one party consent" state or a "all party consent state" and if you drive...
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    Recording dashcam audio in Florida.

    You're right---you could delete the audio afterward. However, I think OP is worried about the legality of recording audio. Whether one uses the audio or not, or whether it may ever surface that someone was recorded without their consent, recording the audio inside the vehicle without all the...
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    Maryland Attorney - New to Forum

    Ha. Good reasons.
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    Recording dashcam audio in Florida.

    Interesting question. I'm not a Florida attorney, but I've thought about this issue. Maryland has a similar statute that requires that all parties to a private conversation consent to the recording. My opinion is that recordings of audio outside of the vehicle are not private and would not...
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    Maryland Attorney - New to Forum

    So...long story that I won't get into here, but some stranger tried to follow me home last night because of his road rage. A new *discrete* dashcam might be on the shopping list soon.
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    Maryland Attorney - New to Forum

    I can't think of many reasons why a civilian (non-police) with a dashcam would want to record audio. Most often something worth recording (e.g.: an accident/meteor flying across the sky/airplane crashing into a van in front of you on a bridge in Taiwan) will result in someone in the car...
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    My law blog regarding dashcams

    I find software licenses difficult to read as well! I don't think I've ever read one completely through. For people like you, a dashcam could be beneficial. Besides the evidentiary benefits, you end up being a more aware driver and are probably likely to drive aggressively/dangerously...
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    My law blog regarding dashcams

    Hello all. I am attaching the substance of my law blog regarding dash cams here. It is written for the layperson, so you may find the info about dashcams a bit basic. Hopefully, you can find some of the legal information useful. The original blog entry, with embedded links, can be found...
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    Maryland Attorney - New to Forum

    Thanks. I shall keep that in mind in the future. I had a DVR027--looks like a radar detector with the screen closed.
  14. E

    How to handle an accident - My take

    Good advice! Maryland is the same as Virginia. Technically, a 1% contribution to the accident means that you cannot recover in negligence. In practice, however, that 1% acts like 20%.
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    Maryland Attorney - New to Forum

    I had it mounted high up with the wire tucked into the A-Pillar, but unfortunately, it still stood out. There are a few things you have to watch out for, especially if you are also recording audio. Sure am! I probably need to put something in my signature that nothing I say should be...
  16. E

    Maryland Attorney - New to Forum

    Hello. My name is Wayne. I'm a Maryland attorney, and I'm new to the forum! In a couple of days, I will be posting a blog article about the legal implications of webcams. I will post it in the legal section when it is up! (UPDATE: the blog can be found here as well...