70mai m300

  1. L

    M300 international bricked

    Hi, I tried to update firmware from 1.0.4ww to 1.0.8ww. Device got bricked and it completely stopped responding. Not even reset button works. Any suggestion on how to bring it back to life?
  2. P

    Problems with parking mode

    I connected my M300 with hardware kit and everything seemed fine. I was able to turn on parking mode and when i shut off car it says that it goes to parking mode in 5 minutes. First night was ok, i checked the recordings in the morning and everything was ok. Second morning, my car gave me...
  3. forcegk

    70Mai M300 API

    Hello there! I was attempting to solve a problem the 70mai M300 dashcam has. Overall, great camera, specially for the value, but it has a problem that bothers me, and it is the lack of frame-based timelapse mode while driving. That could be easily solved taking a photo every second and then...
  4. M

    70mai M300 Chinese version English firmware

    Hello everbody, Any body have English firmware for M300? I have a chinese version here but now i cant connect m300 chinese with 70mai App worldwide APP Thanks you.