
  1. W

    Dash cam doesn't always turn on due to power interruption starting car

    Hi, I have a problem with my dash cam - it mostly doesn't turn on when starting the car as it thinks it has received a shut down signal as the power gets interupted while starting the engine. At least this is what I think is happening. I have to pull the plug out of the cigarette lighter socket...
  2. X

    Why doesn't my XY start recording right away when I press the button...?

    Before anyone asks: Have you allowed the software to load? Yes. I have my camera set to go automatically into video mode on power up and I wait until the little red LEDs are on before I press record. Once I press record, I hear the beep and I wait to see the red LEDs flash, and then I begin...
  3. M

    Any Model(s) with Delay Shutdown?

    Hello everyone, first time posting here! I have been using a very cheapo Chinese cam (the kind that has a folding screen) for a couple of years now. Its resolution is so bad that you cannot make out any license plate, just the general image like a VGA resolution JPG. However, It has a feature...