garmin 55 firmware

  1. K

    Garmin 55 warning on startup removal.

    Hi guys, I recently bought this Garmin 55 camera, works well. A few things I don't like, such as the horrendous app and software but the thing that is almost dangerous is the 15 second long warning prompt that you have to agree or wait until it times out every time you turn the car on. Not...
  2. M

    Garmin 55 - 3.3 to 3.4 differences

    New dashcam 55 (FW 3.30) and initial checkout on laptop shows 2 drives. As expected the system drive had a Garmin and a poi directory even had a sample file, ie somewhere where to put stuff like safety camera files. After the 3.40 update (from 3.30) the directory above was deleted! Hmm, the...