
  1. H

    I have second thoughts about what this dash cam can do.

    I purchased two days ago the viofo 139 pro , which according to many , has very good video quality . I am not satisfied at all . I am watching the footage and the night footage is not as expected. I tried filming a 15 min drive today to see how it compares to my samsung zflip3 mobile device...
  2. J

    Is overheating still a problem?

    I saw a similar post for the dr900x and the answer still seemed up in the air. I've had a dr900s for 2 year and it's been in shipping boxes longer than it's been in my car. That thing constantly overheated, and to the point that it burned out the capacitors and had to be returned and "fixed"...
  3. JDtime

    IOS App Big ISSUES

    The latest update version of the IOS app 1.7.7 that was just released has big issues. The text is chinese and no way to change it to english. The other issue is the date format wont let you change it at all. When will these issues be fixed in the app with a new release. The app is unusable to...
  4. J

    Battery not charging and other problems

    Very recently I bought a Gitup Git2, right before I went on a week-long vacation, so I could capture some underwater videos and pictures. Being the tinkerer that I am, I read up quite a bit on it and noticed the issue with the battery charging when inside the Git2, which I hoped wouldn't affect...
  5. R

    A119 please help

    I recently bought a Viofo A119 from FoxOffer, well my issue is that I was just trying to watch my footage and it seems as when the video is playing that someone is pausing and playing the video constantly, is the best way to describe it. Or when its playing it seems laggy? What can be the...
  6. T

    Thinkware F750 Dashcam constantly beeping

    Hi there, Earlier today I was driving along the country road (wide open road with no traffic) when suddenly my dashcam (Thinkware F750) started to continuously beep (the type of beeping that would sound when you are too close to the vehicle in front of you; two repetitive beeps in a row)...
  7. C

    SJCAM M10+ Wifi issues

    There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the way WiFi works on the SJCAM M10+ . You connect with your phone by WiFi (Fine) but then it NEVER turns the wifi off on the camera and its constantly trying to connect back to your phone unless you have the app permanently open on your phone (And set to...