nashville tn

  1. proliance

    Speed trap

    Everybody in Nashville knows you don't speed along this section of Briley Parkway. Except this guy. Don't be this guy.
  2. proliance

    Road Rager

    A silver Jetta rages against a white van. The Jetta illegally cut across the zebra stripes and merged too early and possibly blocked the van from merging when he wanted. He (maybe) takes revenge and cuts off the Jetta, then the Jetta returns the favor. Idiots.
  3. proliance

    Late merge

    This was the last of four incidents today that I thought was worthy of posting online. This driver doesn't know what lane he is supposed to be in, so he makes up his own rules.
  4. proliance

    Psycho spits on my car

    I'm pulling into a parking lot at work this afternoon and a guy is walking across the entrance. I pause to let him pass, then I enter. He got offended, thinking that I got too close to him (I think the video shows otherwise) and he wanted to fight. He followed me into the parking garage...
  5. proliance

    Merging Maniac

    "Miss my turn? I'd rather murder a few people!" I'm not sure what State this worthless, no-driving sack of incompetence is from because the license plate holder covers the state name. My guess is that the State makes him cover the name when he travels so he doesn't embarrass them. What...