road rage

  1. oscillator

    Best ROAD RAGE Videos Compilation #1

  2. PeterT

    VW golf GTi weaving through traffic, idiot of note!

    This guys is just an absolute prick. Let me know what you guys think. Also added some more aggressive driving clips.
  3. PeterT

    Harley bullying learner driver.....stupidity at its finest.

    This actually made me angry. The learner driver slowed down as they were approaching and intersection. Harley rider wanted her to move over for him. So then he pulls along side swerving closer etc. Bloody idiot. Then what happens if she had of panicked and knocked him over. bloody idiot. There...
  4. PeterT

    Bad driving, geez man I'm tired of it!

    Hey take a look, :(
  5. PeterT

    Aggressive driving special.

    Here are some clips of aggressive driving by others not me! LOL! Also the last clip was of a chap who forgot he had a canoe on top of his landy, and road into the roof of the underground parking area. Poor guy LOL! Definitely doh!!!!! moment.
  6. PeterT

    Bad drivers again! Dam near got taken out but a woman in a navara. !!!!!!!!!

    This is a clip of bad driving, but the one that made me post it here is a very ignorant woman in a nissan navara that blatently shoots a stop street and drives around the front of my car!!!!!! Then waves me off like its all good. WTH!!!!!
  7. PeterT

    Arrogant driving deluxe!

    Put together a small compilation of bad and arrogant driving. Some real good ones in this clip.
  8. PeterT

    Bad/Arrogant driving compilatio, bullying learner driver

    The clip in this compilation that makes me so angry is a BMW driver who was bullying a learner driver then undertakes over a speed bump through parking bays . Bloody moron.