
  1. jfsoto1988

    Wrong lane and low blinker fluid.

    Wrong lane and low blinker fluid. Who knows, it was a Friday night so the driver was probably drunk.
  2. E

    Why are dash cams painted black which absorbs sunlight?

    I don't understand why most if not all dashcams are painted black which absorbs sunlight and causes premature failure. Heat kills electronics and the glue holding the screen in place. Purely for looks? Are there any good dashcams painted white which reflects sunlight or should I buy some acrylic...
  3. Mozzie

    Wrong way

    Caught this moron driving on the wrong side of the roadway. I flashed my lights and he quickly disappeared down the nearest side street.
  4. Mozzie

    Baby nearly got killed

    I managed to stop in time when I saw the pram was actually in my path.