
  1. N

    A229 Pro weirdness (timestamp skips, front/rear video sync, GPS data issues)

    (I haven't updated the firmware; it was already the V1.2_240227 when I got the camera) Problem 1: Timestamp jumped backwards by minutes while driving A couple of days ago, my A229 Pro did something weird during one clip (1min): 12:27:24 clip starts, while driving in an underground car park...
  2. N

    current date / time in .sh script possible?

    So, It's me again, don't want to get too offtopic my other thread here, that's why I'm starting a new one Since I'm currently trying to configure my Yi Action Cam for a automatic long period timelapse and I'm some kind of noobish I need your help, again ... What I've done so far -...
  3. H

    Incorrect timestamp

    Hi folks, new member (lol) here, apologies for starting my first thread with a problem BUT I have a problem... I bought Ddpai m6+ a couple of weeks ago, I'm very pleased with it, great image quality imo, GPS is working well, the only issue I have is the timestamp, it's an hour behind. I've...