2 Months after purchase, I have my first collision!


New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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United States

Well after having my 650-2CH for 2 years and nothing, my DR900s catches my first collision after just 2 months:

I didn't have any damage as I had my hitch on,... but that civic got screwed, my ball hitch went through her radiator and it started leaking anti-freeze. I feel bad for the other driver though, however, if I didn't have my hitch then my bumber would have been damaged.

Anyway the rear cam was nice and clear so thats good.

Still have the heat issues with the DR900S but other than that its been working well for the most part.


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I feel bad for the other driver though,

Looked like one of those places where you should expect people to be slowing down and should be ready to use the brakes,
And it didn't look like you slowed very fast,
And there was plenty of space between you which she could have used for braking,
And she appeared to be ready with the excuses, as though she does it regularly, doesn't really care, and knows how to make people feel sorry for her and then sort out her problems for her!
At least your insurance will side with you from the perspective information of both cameras catching the incident, speed and conditions, hope you don't have
whip lash, sets in after a few days.... where's there's pain there's a Claim. LOL
Hope your good, and your car not even scratched wow, nice car (truck)
If she was looking ahead instead of at her phone, she would have been able to stop in plenty of time. Nice hitch, did the pin bend any?

I had my 650GW installed in my car for about two months when I was hit. The street I was on had not stops for a few miles so I believe the woman behind me felt comfortable enough to be looking at her phone. Two trucks in front of me, the lead one stops to let the passenger out to pick something up along the side of the road.

This is a classic case of someone not paying attention. I have no feelings of bad thoughts at all. I happen to be a professional driver .. and sorry, unless mechancial failure or bad road conditions, there is little excuse for this sort of thing.
I would have the frame of your car truck measured to make sure it is straight. Although you may not notice it the frame could be seriously tweaked. In short to check for straightness you measure using an X pattern. There are holes in the frame on opposite sides you measure. If the distance between the holes measure the same from side to side the frame is straight. If there is a difference it may or may not be within the factory allowed tolerances.
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I feel bad for the other driver though

Echoed... Why? There are only a few things she should have been doing when driving, 1, look where she's going, 2, press the brakes to prevent her hitting something that is in front of her not moving, 3, be aware of everything that's going on around her, 4, not accelerating when she isn't looking where she's going, and a possible 5, put her damn phone away when she got in the car and never pick it up until she was getting out at the end of her journey.

She, and every driver who does the same, deserves absolutely no sympathy for seriously inconveniencing your day or damaging her own car. It's exactly the kind of things she does or doesn't do that cause serious and fatal incidents, it's just in this case, your truck was bigger and stronger that prevented her hitting something much more fragile
Just as an aside In our country you can get fined for having the hitch on if it sticks out to far and you arent towing anything
Man, people keeping telling me about potential damage and now I'm a bit spooked.

SO the driver that hit me did NOT have active insurance, it lapsed last year in November... I actually towed my trailer today, seemed fine, but I'm going to take it to a shop anyway. Its a 2016 GMC 2500HD truck, 3/4 ton diesel so its a big mofo...

Had I not had the hitch on, my bumper would have been smashed up and I would be out of pocket the repairs as the other driver didn't have active insurance. Would have sucked.

On a side note, yes, even a $500.00 camera such as this one pays for itself, there is no excuse for all drivers not to have one!
I wonder what her opening line was in the above video .. ? 'Reversing into me is going to cost you' ? ... o_O

actually she was very apologetic, I think its because she knew she didn't have insurance....
^ Apologies Alkaline ... bit of a rant so I deleted it .. then saw your post.

I watched a video not long back where a Driver that rear ended another tried this ... and was told it was all on his Dash Cam.
My 2 are working nicely ... if ever someone tries it on me. (y) Gotcha!
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I kept trying to see the other driver but the shadow makes it difficult.
Hope everything works out ok for you.
Man, I've been thinking about putting a tow hitch on my tahoe for this exact scenario. I think you just motivated me to do it.
Dont feel bad, in anything you should feel sad.
Cuz a driver like that might as well have run over a pedestrian or something softer and more vulnerable.
Is is amazing that a person in a situation like that can loose attention so fast.
Your truck should be just fine for frame damage. She hit you square on with not much force. Your hitch frame would show damage before the truck frame would.
I agree that frame damage on your truck is unlikely. My old and abused 3/4 ton plow truck stopped quick before I bought it. The transmission cross member where it hit a rock (probably) while working in the woods was pushed back enough (probably 2" at the bottom) that getting to a bolt inside the cross member was impossible. The frame shows a slight bend from when the truck stopped really fast.
Just as an aside In our country you can get fined for having the hitch on if it sticks out to far and you arent towing anything
What about if the towball is fixed?

I had the same accident as the OP about 13 years ago. My towbar destroyed her radiator & front end & immediately couldn’t drive.
My sedan had no damage.