40/60 Rule

Going to be selling the car in a year or two, so I'm not going to bother with a standard dashmat, don't know if spraying it with something would do any good.

Unfourtnanetly the white blowouts and reflection handling are a major headache for me. Alot of IQ work needs doing yet.
The camera does not handle our strong sun here well I guess, even with a CPL.

If the dash mat is an after market removable one why not? The new owner might even like it. My brushed suede one came out still looking like brushed suede except the nap was no longer catching the light the way it did before. Anyway, this worked for me.

Regarding the blowouts and exposure issues with the SG9665GC I assume you've seen this thread and other mentions and discussions of the issue. The new AE tables have helped quite a lot but the camera apparently has a flaw despite all the hype and efforts to downplay the issue for those of us who have been had to contend with it.
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