522 GW and backcamera not working


New Member
Oct 13, 2020
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Upplands Väsby
I have a Nextbase 522GW front dashcam. I just installed the backcamera from the comboset.
3 problems arises

#1 - When using a double usbcable for powersupport (to get enough power from the cigaretteplug) the 522GW starts to repeadely shutting on and off when the backcamera is connected. Disconnecting the rear camera and the 522GW work OK.

#2 - with back camera connected and only one usb cable used in the cigarettplug the backcamera work for a moment and then the 522GW shut down. Powering on manually (disconnecting an reconnecting powercable in the cigarettplug) it boots again and works for a few minutes and then shuts down again. It seems that the 522 GW gets really hot on the rigth side where the mount and rear camera connection is.

#3 After installing the backcamera and it is powered on my DAB-radio stops receiving any channels.

Any suggestions.
The USB cable are probably not giving the dashcam enough power through when the rear is plugged in?
And DAB loss is pretty common with a rear camera interfering, drop nextbase support a message on the Nextbase website and they usually send a few ferrite cores out to solve that issue. Nextbase used to have regular presence on the forum but they seem to have disappeared since Covid.
As suggested i dropped a message to Nextbase support. The solutions was to skip the USB Powersupply and use the powersupply that came with the camera. Success. Both cameras is nog working without problems. AND they even sent me a ferrit core to attach to the rear camera.
I had this issue and was so irritated at the thing shutting dow and restarting every time the car came to a halt using, what I thouhgt was the supplied power cable ( with auto stop/start engaged) I bought a usb cable to draw power from a fast charge cig lighter socket adapter. This worked for a bit but recently, the whole thing shut down after a few seconds. However , it seems I was using the cable which came with an earlier , and now stolen Next base. Using the supplied cable has , it seems , overcome the problem. The part nomber of the cable I was using ended in - 1, whereas the correct one ends -2, so my frustration seems to have been caused by a simple error , on my befalf.
I think you are quite correct, Nextbase did have Millie solving our problems for us (I have copy and pasted many of her replies). As they seem to have disappeared over the past months.