550 Interference with DAB radio?!!


Active Member
Sep 28, 2013
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United Kingdom
I noticed a strange coincidence after I fitted the unit, whereby my local (usually perfect) radio station started having dips in the signal behaviour.
I ignored it and invariably switched to FM or ipod etc....

But last night and I tried again this morning, I tested that if I unplug the unit the signal becomes clear, if I plug it in again it starts to break up.
It only seems minor interference, so once get into London where the signal is really strong I don't notice it, but on the fringes where the signal maybe 70-80% it definitely interferes.

I haven't yet tested to check whether if I unplug the rear camera it'll affect it or not, but I doubt it, I suspect it's the main unit itself.

Anyone else noticed this?
Now this is really weird....

I have an Audi A3 in our group of vehicles that has a system called AutoDAB. I normally listen to Radio 1 in the morning and when I had the DR500 I had no problems. Ever since installing the DR550 I have had issues with the DAB signal. It cuts out quite a bit on my short journey to work in the morning.

I powered down the whole system and had no issues with the DAB whatsoever. As soon as I plugged it in again the blackouts started up again. I think I'm going to disconnect the Rear Cam as I'm sure it's something to do with that or the AV cable. Maybe the shielding isn't good enough? Once I have tried this I'm going to report it to the technical boys over at Pittasoft.
Cool, I have actually just read on a jaguar forum that they traced a similar issue of a rear cam knocking out their signal down to the cable running too close to the antenna. (which would support your shielding theory).
This would make sense for me as I ran the cable along the roof lining.

When I feel up to it, I might try re-routing the cable, but the car has so many bloody trim clips and panel pins that I'm worried it'll never go back together again :D lol
I too encountered DR550 interferring with car keyless entry when DR550 is used in parking mode (turn on all the time using magic pro).
If I will to use the dashcam at normal mode, where the dashcam is power down when I left the car and the next time when I want to drive the car again, I have no problem opening the car.

The receiver/antenna of the car keyless entry is mounted on the rear mirror and that is where the dashcam is mounted and cable routed.
After using 2 snap on EMI ferrite cores (@300MHz) on the DR550 cable, both the front doors has no problem.
Hope this help.
Ok so I did another test this morning... I disconnected the Rear Cam AV Cable from the front cable and was back to clear signal with the occasional drop out where I normally expect it. I'm gonna try and re-route the cable as I haven't fully hard wired it yet and see if this makes a difference.

I too encountered DR550 interferring with car keyless entry when DR550 is used in parking mode (turn on all the time using magic pro).
If I will to use the dashcam at normal mode, where the dashcam is power down when I left the car and the next time when I want to drive the car again, I have no problem opening the car.

The receiver/antenna of the car keyless entry is mounted on the rear mirror and that is where the dashcam is mounted and cable routed.
After using 2 snap on EMI ferrite cores (@300MHz) on the DR550 cable, both the front doors has no problem.
Hope this help.

Hey Shirrine - Can you provide a link or advise where these can be purchased?
Let us know how you get on.
I have keyless entry on my car (next to the unit too), but this seems unaffected by the cam - only the DAB.
Its depends on the operation frequency and immunity of the device; the routing of both devices (cam and keyless entry receiver/antenna). Lots of consideration when EMC/EMI is involves.

Thus it happen on my keyless entry device but may not happen on yours.
Will seek out some clip-on ferrites from somewhere and give it a go!.
Check the DBA frequencies and Select the ferrite with the nearest frequency (to have max attenuation) for best performance.
Attach the ferrite on the cables closest to the dashcam for best result.
How strange, came on looking for something else and came across this
Audi A6 - exactly the same issue. Got really fed-up and stopped listening to DAB altogether but now that I know these clip-ons may fix it, I have purchased a pair.
Smallest I could find was 5mm so hopefully that will work

where did you fit them in terms of points of the coax cable?
As mentioned in previous reply;
Check the DBA frequencies and Select the ferrite with the nearest frequency (to have max attenuation) for best performance.
Attach the ferrite on the dashcam's coax cables, the end point closest to the dashcam' body for best result.

Size is not the main point; above criteria is more important.

Hope this help.
oops must have scrolled too far! thanks !
Think it's just a case of finding out what frequency DAB works on now.... I'm keen to try them.

In other news - I have moved my cable to the other side of the car and the signal is a lot better but still it's dropping out every now and then.
Ok so I got this ScreenGrab from Wikipedia...
@Shirrine - Do you think we need to go for a 300MHz so that it covers all Ensembles?

Just a thought.
I believe YES.
This steward part, 28A0392-0A0 @300MHz is worth trying. This part has attentuation that cover a very much boarder frequency bandwidth down to 100MHz.
Ok I have just ordered a couple of packs. Should be here in a few days and hopefully it will work.
hey guys
can someone tell me why is there a rotating kinda noise on my videos? happens when i'm driving but also when it records in parking modehttp://youtu.be/Fg6w9JN0IAw

Interference with my digital TV.

Tried a few magnets from the hardware store, didn't work.

Rerouting rear cam cable works.

It's definitely the rear cam cable and thus exclusively a problem of DR550 only.