6 Reasons You Should Own a Dashcam

Wow, video 4 shows brilliant driving skills

Good link :)
youtube has lots of fun driving

and Lots of big explosions yes blow it up baby will it microwave? http://www.willitblend.com/

and my most favorite so many ways to destroy smart phones and tablets i hate new technology

o also bing enter random crap even dirty sounding and watch the fun it brings up
Good story Bob! Following a link from the article I came across a great quote from the driver who caught the incident on his dash cam:

"Edward said he just can't believe the timing: He bought the small Dash Cam online just 10 days before the accident".

"I never thought it would come in so handy," he said. "It was without a doubt the best $199 I've ever spent in my life because it's clear proof that the accident was 100 percent not my fault ."

Of course, that leaves us wondering which cam he bought as it's hard to tell just from the date stamp. Whatever it is I was pleased to see that it kept working after the crash.
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Federal Agent Tried to Blame Him for an Accident — Little Did He Know This Key Piece of Evidence Existed

Watching that video last week was the final straw for me. I have been on the fence for about six months about whether to buy one. Once I saw the border patrol accident and realized how screwed that driver would have been w/out the camera, I bought one the same day. It's on a slow boat from China and should be here in a few weeks.
Watching that video last week was the final straw for me. I have been on the fence for about six months about whether to buy one. Once I saw the border patrol accident and realized how screwed that driver would have been w/out the camera, I bought one the same day. It's on a slow boat from China and should be here in a few weeks.

Don't drive until it arrives! :)

I'm only half kidding. I feel totally naked without a dash cam in my vehicle now.
Don't drive until it arrives! :)

I'm only half kidding. I feel totally naked without a dash cam in my vehicle now.
I get that. I've had to completely stop and go back in the house to get a memory card I forgot to put in after looking over old footage.
One time I left a camera in someone elses car and they started driving and I again forgot to put a memory card in. Thankfully my Android takes micro cards because my phone saved me that day. If i had an Apple device I would have been out of luck.
I feel totally naked without a dash cam in my vehicle now.

Me too. I wonder how long it will take for driving without a dash cam to be considered irresponsible in the USA.

Within a day of my kind father giving me a dash cam as a gift, I started chiding myself for being so irresponsible for not getting one before. It bugs me that I'm the only person in my social circles that has a dash cam. I'm tempted to start giving G1W-Cs as gifts to people who might actually use them.
Me too. I wonder how long it will take for driving without a dash cam to be considered irresponsible in the USA..

IMO, it should be a legal requirement in EVERY vehicle in EVERY country.
PLUS, every area should have a small team of officers dedicated to reviewing footage & dealing with. I know a couple of good coppers who were forced to take early retirement through ill health - too unfit to do the proper job but years of experience that could be put to good use reviewing footage & sending out fines or warnings as appropriate.
Heck, each 'department' could pay for itself (from the fines) & have cash left over to provide education judging by the amount of footage that already exists.
Imagine how much cheaper our insurance would be if we weren't being forced to pay additional premiums to cover insurance companies' losses.
An excellent idea. however that's to much like Big Brother for most people to tolerate. I'd much prefer it be mandatory for repeat dangerous drivers, speeders & drunks

Big Brother?
And yet CCTV is all over the place.
People are more than happy to wander round with smartphones tagging their locations on social media - and there has been convictions for speeding based on mobile phone data (pre-smartphone!).
People are still happy to drive like morons despite the fact that their own car is recording shedloads of data all the while!

At least this is YOUR camera containing footage YOU have control over.
CCTV is all over the place.
Not here, or at least not yet. There are cameras around sure, but not like when I see things from the UK there seems to be a camera on every street corner.

At least this is YOUR camera containing footage YOU have control over.
This is the part that concerns me. With backup cameras becoming a mandatory factory item GM is going to get to pick the make and model or have someone design one for them. If DashCams become a legal requirement then they will become a mandatory factory item. GM is going to get to pick the make and model camera inside my car and before long the footage may not be completely under my control.

I'll agree with you all day long that anything with wheels on it should have a camera, and I like your idea of a dedicated team to handle it, but I think we need to start off with strong awareness. Get commercials on TV and playing before YouTube videos. Get quality information and product at a fair price in to retail big box stores. Give insurance discounts to drivers with them.

I don't want my DashCam to turn into the Snapshot from Progressive stunt.
Radios aren't mandatory in cars and yet every manufacturer installs something.

Maybe not mandatory to fit a cam as factory standard BUT compulsory to have a cam when driving - in the same way that manufacturers don't include a tax disk (in the UK) or insurance but it IS a legal requirement to have these when driving?
I appreciate it would be difficult to police this, however, from an accident point of view, they could let it be known that no camera = severe penalties & possibly even blame.

Perhaps manufacturers will include some sort of moulding to the headlining which houses courtesy light, mirror and power/mounting point for a dashcam, with them including some sort of industry standard cheapo - the G~1W, for example, seems to be a common shape/size, so a moulding which could accommodate this or the DR32 or go-pro style of box-shaped cams?
They might even start including some sort of polarizing filter to the front of this moulding?

The automobile industry say they want cars to be safer & throw in all sorts of expensive gadgets (reverse sensors, lane departure, satnav etc) & yet they are clearly missing out on one of the most important tools.

And what makes this even more crazy - those reverse sensors aren't brilliant, they are only good down to a certain distance (often 12", sometimes 6"), as an option, they cost far, far more than they are worth. Many people turn off the lane departure devices becasue they are annoying & how many people like their pre-installed satnavs?

I keep calling for compulsory use of dashcams because I feel it would be of enormous benefit to the driving community.
Anything that can help police clear up an accident scene quickly must surely be of benefit?
Insurance companies can only benefit from the invaluable information a dashcam gan provide?
This is an interesting discussion. It made me think of an article I read many years ago in Wired Magazine titled "The Transparent Society". The reason I remember that article from so many years ago (1996) was because the article's provocative subtitle got permanently stuck in my brain - "The cameras are coming. They're getting smaller and nothing will stop them. The only question is: who watches whom? " Amazingly, it seems that article from way back on 1996 has been archived and is available online and it would be a worthwhile read for anyone interested in this subject as it has proved remarkably prescient. The ubiquitous surveillance and tiny cameras all around us have indeed come to pass and this phenomenon continues to proliferate. At least we have sousveillance (ie: dash cams) along with all the surveillance as the battle will not only be a matter of who watches whom but who gets to control the technology that does it. For me, I'd rather be the one who is in complete control of the cameras (and footage) from in my vehicle, my phone and in or on my home.
jokiin, can you put that sensor in your next dash cam, be mega good high resolution. get someones number plate from 100 metres away after a hit and run. then see their face very well and if they are on the phone or not when driving
jokiin, can you put that sensor in your next dash cam, be mega good high resolution. get someones number plate from 100 metres away after a hit and run. then see their face very well and if they are on the phone or not when driving
pretty much everyone expects you should be able to read number plates from 100 meters away already :P
ok, 1 km away then after a hit and run, then get good image of how many wrinkles on the face of the driver that hit and run and colour of his eyes.