60fps during the night

2 more examples:
For the life of me, I don't understand why it needs to continuously bounce the exposure like that in the first part of the video.

Because of the snow, it doesn't bounce as much. Somehow, even with other headlights it doesn't go dark anymore (minutes 0:40-45, 1:35) - it still goes darker, but not that much. On average, this is what I'd expect from it, so again: the hardware is clearly capable. It's still very annoying that it still bounces, and it still goes nuts between minutes 1:20-1:25, but overall, if this exposure was always used, I'd have nothing to complain about.
There is a PID loop in the image quality config. I have to double check, but it’s related to exposure, iirc. Doubling the sample rate (FPS) would definitely qualify as enough perturbance to make it unstable, if my memory is right.
I just remembered I have a 4 year old video done with A129 in Single mode at 60.

Sure, it doesn't have the same contrast as 30, sure it's a bit more grainy (but nothing to worry about). But it's consistent, constant and correct exposure, sharp image, headlight covered area captured on video, blacks are blacks (there are some artifacts in the black areas caused by youtube compression, as far as I remember they're not in the original, but not sure if I still have it).

I expected A229 Plus to have at least the same quality, and also support Duo mode (which it does).