808 #18A cam


New Member
Apr 1, 2013
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Hi Mtz, Hi All,

Thanks for great job in reviewing dash cams! I am particularly interested in 808# cams, and I am still impatiently waiting for your review :) I think that 808 #18A cam is excellent for use as dash cam, as it is tiny and you can mount in car and just forget about it. I have just ordered the cam from seller eletech086 with auto start feature- great news that they started to sell with this functionality that is crucial for dash cam. I also ordered 120 degree wide lens replacement with 15cm wire. Mtz, didn’t you try to use that lens lengthening to make the cam even more discrete? I am waiting for my parcel from China, once received (3 weeks for shipping to Poland? Any idea?), I will post some videos and photos ;) I think that is awesome idea with only lens being visible from outside. The question is: if that 15cm long cable won’t produce some interference and decrease video quality?

Link for camera that I ordered (with autostart)

Link for a 15cm wide lens replacement

P.S. Sorry for hijacking this thread with newer version of 808#, but I couldn find better thread.
Re: 808 #26 Micro-Camera Due Mid-April 2013

From my experience, the cable used by the 808 cameras lens internal module is fragile. Try to not stress it too much with small angles. The 808 camera is so small and I think it doesn't need the external lens for car usage. But depending on car windshield and wipers maybe the external lens is a good option. I am lucky with my car because the camera is at the top of the windshield, right under the roof.
The 808 #18A is coming with a large battery of 450mAh and because of that after stopping the car the camera will record more than 1 hour using only the battery. I reported this to the developer and I don't know if he will have a solution to stop the camera after stopping the engine. I have an idea to remove the battery and use some capacitor, but I am not good in electronic and I don't know if this will work. The internal space is about 3mm capacitor diameter. I am thinking to the capacitor solution also because the battery will go dead quickly after too many charges. Another solution maybe will be a much smaller battery, maybe 80mAh?

I still like the normal 808#18 and usning the motion detect feature. Even there are missing about 2 seconds between each 2 minutes clip, I prefer more than actual 808 #18A.

I think your camera will come in about 2 weeks because they are using Singapore Post not China Post.

Regarding #26 I insisted so much to the developer to add a special IC to start and stop the camera. He promised will add, but I don't know how good will be the solution.

Ok, I will take care and pay attention to not break the wire for lens replacement, thanks! My car is tiny with small windshield (mazda mx5) that’s why I thought about just external lens. Anyway, I will test both lenses- normal 808#18A and with extended wire lens and I will share my experiences and pics here :)

BTW, I find your mount for 808#18 very nice, could you please share more photos with higher quality?

So after turning off the ignition camera will record constantly till battery’s dead? Not in motion detect mode? But I hope there is still possibility to turn off the cam manually, by pressing the power button, right? Sounds good option to purchase the smallest capacity battery available, I will try to find something.

I understand that you prefer the normal 90 lens version, because it is smaller, but I saw your YT videos and 120 degree version looks better for me :)

When it comes to #26 I am really curios how will be the final version, I read your comments on seller’s YT channel- good job! Convince him to produce dash cam compatible version! :) It would be awesome.

Thanks a lot!

My mount is superglued now. Of course I can remove it, but is just a simple piece of black plastic bent under heat, using a lighter. Then I superglued the USB charger connector. If you want also the video out you must use the AV cable. In my video is the AV Cable because I have a small monitor.

The 808 cameras can't have motion detect mode just after turning off the engine. My 808 #18 is working all the time in Motion Detect mode. I never turn it off, but I am driving daily.
You can turn off the camera manually, but I don't like this. I don't like to do anything regarding a dashcam. I just want to drive and know it is recording always when I need. When you will press the Power button you need to keep it pressed at least 3 seconds to turn off the camera.

I like the 90 degrees lens because I can use my camera for other recordings and I want to keep it invisible as possible. With a 120 degrees lens is not invisible anymore. Also I don't like the wider lens because the objects are far away than the normal lens, so reading a license plate is better with normal lens compared to the wide lens. I don't have the feeling that with the normal lens I have something to lose from my recordings. Look here for a comparison regarding this.

The developer promised the auto-start feature for #26.

Ok, so I understand that your 808 cam is hard-wired to car battery? That’s an excellent idea! I am driving daily too, so no worries about battery discharge in my case. I totally agree with you, that it should be working as black box- mounted permanently and constantly recording so I woudn't pay any attention to this device. For a longer parking time (I mean for few days, or week) I could just unplug the power USB from camera. Or choose more “pro” solution- and buy a kit preventing battery discharge, a friend of mine is going to install this for his Blackvue dash cam. I think I will hard-wire mine too.

Does motion detect work fine in 808#18A? Will it record on SD card all movements when car is parked, and start to record constantly when I drive right? I hope there are no gaps between recordings.

Thanks a lot for your help!


I just found out, that your are complaining about overhiting problems of 808 (on RC forum) whent it is operationg constantly in motion dectect mode, so maybe it's not the best solution for cam reliability...
Don't forget the 808 is 5V, not 12V.
I don't have the #18A in the car so I don't know if it is working in motion detect mode even if starting the car engine. But I assume it will not work because when is no power in the camera the camera will record only on internal battery and even is motion or not after few hours the battery will die.

Sure, I do remember that's 5V ;) – I will use an adaptor.

Seller claims that my 808#18A cam would have motion detection, so if I connect my 808 cam permanently to car battery and set to motion detect mode it should be working fine (it will always have power from car battery)… except the fact that camera don’t support well 24-7 work? ..and might overheat?

I assume that your normal 808#18 is wired in this way in your car? How is your experience? Does it work 24-7 in motion detect? No overheating problems?
Yes, if you will connect to permanent power the motion detect should work. You don't worry about the heat, just avoid to put the camera under direct sun.
The motion detect movie clips are 2 minutes and I think is the best value. No problems for me working 24/7, but sometimes I am taking the camera in the house or recording some things outside the car.

sleven said:
Sure, I do remember that's 5V ;) – I will use an adaptor.

Seller claims that my 808#18A cam would have motion detection, so if I connect my 808 cam permanently to car battery and set to motion detect mode it should be working fine (it will always have power from car battery)… except the fact that camera don’t support well 24-7 work? ..and might overheat?

I assume that your normal 808#18 is wired in this way in your car? How is your experience? Does it work 24-7 in motion detect? No overheating problems?

I'm trying to understand the difference between a camera with the parking mode vs one with motion detection, are they the same?

I currently have the DR500GW-HD and this does have parking mode which I really like. Once the vehicle has been parked for 10 minutes, the camera stops recording but is constantly monitoring and if motion is detected it begins recording 5 seconds before and for 1 minute in length; of course it needs to be connected to a full-time power current.

Does the cameras with motion detection work the same and if not, what is the difference.
Usually the parking mode is combining the Motion Detect and/or Shock Sensing (by the G-Sensor). Good dashcams will record the event with some seconds before the motion and after it another few secongs.
The 808 cameras have just Motion Detect only because no G-Sensor available, and that Motion Detect is more primitive, something like after the motion is detected, in the next 2 seconds the recording will start and will keep 2 minutes no matter if in these 2 minutes will be more motion or not. But if for example at 1:59m is still some motion, the camera will continue record another 2 minutes.

The 808#A can not work with Auto-Start and Motion Detect, but Auto-Start or Motion Detect and this is depending of the power source if is permanent or only when engine is running.

Mtz said:
Usually the parking mode is combining the Motion Detect and/or Shock Sensing (by the G-Sensor). Good dashcams will record the event with some seconds before the motion and after it another few secongs.

I'm sorry to get this thread off track and will keep this short, but since the thread had been touching on the motion detection part of the camera, I thought I would ask.

Do the cameras with motion detection and in a full time powered mode, go into the non-recording mode after the vehicle is parked for a time and then wake up and begin recording when motion is detected?

If so, and if I understand it correctly, a layman's definitions of the parking mode could be: Records prior to the event (the time depends on the manufacturer), whether it be motion or the shock sensing activated.

Motion detection (no parking mode), would be that the camera is activated at the time of the motion and will record forward in time from that point up to a predetermined time, again set by the manufacturer. I would also assume that the G-sensor would be the same on a powered camera, that it too would start at the time of the shock.
Yes, you are right.

Parking mode could also be referring to a lowered-fps recording (for example, 10fps instead of 30fps), when it detects of being parked.
I'm looking to buy the smallest dash cam possible, so naturally I came upon the 808 #18. But I'm confused about all the different models. Basically I need the camera with 120 deg at least, also to auto-start when I start the car, plus loop recording. Does #18A have autostart? What happens when the ignition is off? Does it keep recording? What is motion detection?
@ Mtz: you mentioned that you prefer the regular #18 vs #18A. Can you explain again, why? Just because of the regular 90 deg lens? So if I need the 120 deg, then the #18A is OK, right?
I am also confused by the manufacturers website, as they list three #18A models here:
http://www.htinter.com/Wholesale-hd-808 ... amera_c790
Two are $43, and one is $38. I don't understand what are the differences. Could someone please help me? Also the third model has this line in the description:
New function: Camera can Turn on automatically after connecting to the car charger!!! can be used as the special DVR.
You can see this description here: http://www.htinter.com/18-hd-808-keycha ... _p269.html
Your help is much appreciated!
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My advice is to wait 3 more weeks for their new 1080p 808 #26 camera which should have by default the Auto-Start function. The 808 #18A is a hacked normal #18.
Here is the size of the future #26:
Even is bigger, the size is like a normal alarm remote.

The price differences are because of the components included, like video cable or car charger.

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I looked at the samples from #26 and these are not that great. Also the price is going to be ~$60 (vs $43 for #18), right? Is that with regular or 120 deg lens?
I've read rumors that #24 from the other developers will the better. What do you think?
For the first model release is possible to not have from the start the wide lens, but normal lens for both cameras.
Yes, is possible the other developer (maybe the #24 will be the name?) to have a better camera at least regarding the firmware tweaks, but also he will be with the camera later on the market. Also the supposed #24 will not have the actual keychain form factor, but other, a secret one. Also is expected a camera to be used as Car DVR but I am not sure if will be the #24 or another camera just because the #18 developer released the DR32.
Short: as Car DVR my advice is to wait the next product even it is #24 or #26.

Thanks so much for the quick replies.
I know you also have the Livue LB100. Is that camera much better than the 808? I am basically looking for a ~$100 or less cost. I like the 808, because I can leave it in the car without worrying, it would be almost invisible from outside. But I like the Livue because image quality is better. Unfortunately it's more visible: glossy plastic and gray paint. I guess I could mask it all with some mate vinyl or something like that.
What would you recommend?
In this moment I will take the Livue. It is a dedicated Car DVR compared to the 808 and the 808 is not good for night recording. But if I was you and I can wait, I would wait another month to see the new version of 808.
