A139 pro , parking mode , and night video .

Those are public places. You are being paranoic with this gdpr stuff.
And don't expect from someone to tell you the entire history of dashcams. You find all the information here. Start reading.
Your dashcam works as it suposed to be. Most of all other dashcams and more expensive ones could not read license plates if you were filming the same trip like the one above .
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Those are public places. You are being paranoic with this gdpr stuff.
And don't expect from someone to tell you the entire history of dashcams. You find all the information here. Start reading.
Your dashcam works as it suposed to be. Most of all other dashcams and more expensive ones could not read license plates if you were filming the same trip like the one above .
Dont be rude . I m serious re the GDPR .
Moreover I appreciate your opinion but doesnt help much. If someone must read the entire history of the dash cams , to make up his mind, no sir. Sorry .
Well it might be the case that I rushed into a new product that is not mature . I should have went for a 2021 model . I could see logic in this argument .
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Does the camera have a problem ? This is what you would have expected
\the video samples will be no longer available. I am sure that all interested ,had the chance to download and review.
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Dont be rude . I m serious re the GDPR .
Moreover I appreciate your opinion but doesnt help much. If someone must read the entire history of the dash cams , to make up his mind, no sir. Sorry .
Well it might be the case that I rushed into a new product that is not mature . I should have went for a 2021 model . I could see logic in this argument .
Sorry, but I'm not sure anyone can really understand what you want from this forum? What do you want people to say? Anyone who has tried to answer your questions, you've just shut them down.

The a139pro is far from perfect, but you'd struggle to get a 2021 model of any dashcam to match the image quality for dashcam purposes.
What about optical stabilizing
There are no such thing in any dashcam, they all have a fixed lens, so focus ASO can not change like a regular camera, they can go out of focus, but then it is time to do warranty replacement or DIY fix.
Sorry i am not able to do more, this model are not one i have worked with, so better for me to leave it to people with actual hands on experience.

Not aware if Greece have more strict rules, in Denmark you can pretty much share what you want where you want.
You can also film the police, even if they will ly to you about that and say you can not and so violate your rights, but thats just my country going down the toilet.
There are no such thing in any dashcam, they all have a fixed lens, so focus ASO can not change like a regular camera, they can go out of focus, but then it is time to do warranty replacement or DIY fix.
Sorry i am not able to do more, this model are not one i have worked with, so better for me to leave it to people with actual hands on experience.

Not aware if Greece have more strict rules, in Denmark you can pretty much share what you want where you want.
You can also film the police, even if they will ly to you about that and say you can not and so violate your rights, but thats just my country going down the toilet.
Thanks for your thoughts on dashcams.
As far as the GDPR.
EU is strict on privacy issues. It's perfectly clear why and It's common sense why. Anonymity is serious.
Anyways . It was a bad choice this cam. I should have trusted I local retailer with proven results. It's a good lesson for future endeavors.
Sorry, but I'm not sure anyone can really understand what you want from this forum? What do you want people to say? Anyone who has tried to answer your questions, you've just shut them down.

The a139pro is far from perfect, but you'd struggle to get a 2021 model of any dashcam to match the image quality for dashcam purposes.
Actually, I haven't seen any opinion.
I uploaded the samples . Every detail , every Metadata, now, no tricks , no processing, pure data.. No answers whatsover ? Only one or two accusations like yours.
Anyways if anyone wanted to say something, he would have by now.
indeed ... wasted time ...
Dont get me wrong i am big on privacy, and i have a hard time as everything that go thru a optical cable here are logged, not only by us but also the Americans that have free access to the Danish internet.
Their reason, well i will prefer to suffer a horrible death at the hands of a religious nutcase than i will have their so called protection.

I dont think EU are that strict CUZ google and many others still operate here with no problems, i would personally like to see all these go even if i must admit i still use youtube, but other than that no social media for me and no google search or g-mail.
The personal data you loose just using the internet "normally" are far more than say googles street view cars would loose you.

The A139 pro, well i was exited too, and i can also see now i too was too exited, so people that have gone in hoping for a revolution, well i am sorry to say but for now it is pretty much just as it use to be, maybe with a higher resolution.
I do think there are possibilities for this sensor, but if they can be fulfilled as things are ( current hardware ) or it will need a newer generation of SOC chips i do not know.

Lets hope things start to improve now that the Chinese 15 day holiday end soon, at least Viofo try / want to fix things, something other brands are not doing at all, or do very slow
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Actually, I haven't seen any opinion.
I uploaded the samples . Every detail , every Metadata, now, no tricks , no processing, pure data.. No answers whatsover ? Only one or two accusations like yours.
Anyways if anyone wanted to say something, he would have by now.
indeed ... wasted time ...
I think you have some big problems. Seek medical help, please!
I think you have some big problems. Seek help, please!
Keep it going ! I appreciate your good judgment , the good intentions, the quality of your arguments, and the high value added
You could also have a dud camera / lens ASO, everything really are possible.
I do not think it is a matter of settings, i always run cameras pretty much stock, aside for using best image quality / bitrate, there are very few default things i change.
Also fortunate is is that way if there was like 12 knobs for image quality to dial on, i think that would then often ruin in for people too happy turning knobs,,,,, like myself.

As a child i have no count how many toys i have ruined by opening them to try and figure out how they work.
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You could also have a dud camera / lens ASO, everything really are possible.
I do not think it is a matter of settings, i always run cameras pretty much stock, aside for using best image quality / bitrate, there are very few default things i change.
Also fortunate is is that way if there was like 12 knobs for image quality to dial on, i think that would then often ruin in for people too happy turning knobs,,,,, like myself.

As a child i have no count how many toys i have ruined by opening them to try and figure out how they work.
Hmm I know what's you mean .

I want something to work out of the self, and actually , deliver the promises . Got it all wrong . I guess it is what it is .The samples were representative of the truth after all, I guess. .Wasted time shopping, wasted time uploading. Wasted time in General.
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As far as the GDPR.
EU is strict on privacy issues. It's perfectly clear why and It's common sense why. Anonymity is serious.

I've been a member of this forum for many years and I can't think of a single instance where anyone has reported that the GDPR has ever been an issue with any of the thousands of images or videos posted by members.
For one thing, when people are driving around in their cars they are literally "out in pubic". Legally speaking, the applicable laws generally revolve around the concept of a, "reasonable expectation of privacy", which you don't have if you are driving on a public roadway in a vehicle, especially when it has a license plate. You are not anonymous under such circumstances.
I've been a member of this forum for many years and I can't think of a single instance where anyone has reported that the GDPR has ever been an issue with any of the thousands of images or videos posted by members.
For one thing, when people are driving around in their cars they are literally "out in pubic". Legally speaking, the applicable laws generally revolve around the concept of a, "reasonable expectation of privacy", which you don't have if you are driving on a public roadway in a vehicle, especially when it has a license plate. You are not anonymous under such circumstances.
Sorry can't explain further ,it's common sense but it's not the point of the conversation. Read the GDPR legislation . it's 2016--->> There are hundreds of cases and paradigms, and many convictions.Trust me on this one. It's not the point of discussion though. Forget about it .
Sorry can't explain further ,it's common sense but it's not the point of the conversation. Read the GDPR legislation . it's 2016--->> There are hundreds of cases and paradigms, and many convictions.Trust me on this one. It's not the point of discussion though. Forget about it .

You can't explain it but trust you? It's not the point of the discussion?..... except that you brought up the topic in the first place....repeatedly. But now just forget about it.... What? !!

I have no interest in reading the legislation but to repeat my point, there has never been any instance of anyone on DCT being "prosecuted" or "fined, or "censured" due to the GDPR for posting screen shots of cars or anything else going back to the founding of the forum over 10 years ago. Being out in public is not anonymous. It's common sense. ;)
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You can't explain it but trust you? It's not the point of the discussion?..... except that you brought up the topic in the first place....repeatedly. But now just forget about it.... What? !!

I have no interest in reading the legislation but to repeat my point, there has never been any instance of anyone on DCT being "prosecuted" or "fined, or "censured" due to the GDPR for posting screen shots of cars or anything else going back to the founding of the forum over 10 years ago. Being out in public is not anonymous. It's common sense. ;)
The pictures that has been posted come from my video, Not acceptable by me and not approved. I want to be clear . You can post whatever you like online. Anyways. Just give it 8 hours of reading ok? I think its worth it If it Is that important to you as you say . You ll comprehend everything. If not read further. Moreover its is an EU legislation . Not UK , not US. I dont have neither the time nor the interest to discuss it further.
***Complete silence by you ro anyone regarding my dashcam which was my point of interest and Helloooo GDPR.
***dont post pictures from my video , the pictures are blur as hell , but still recognizable.
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The pictures that has been posted come from my video, Not acceptable by me and not approved. I want to be clear . You can post whatever you like online. Anyways. Just give it 8 hours of reading ok? I think its worth it If it Is that important to you as you say . You ll comprehend everything. If not read further. Moreover its is an EU legislation . Not UK , not US. I dont have neither the time nor the interest to discuss it further.
***Complete silence by you ro anyone regarding my dashcam which was my point of interest and Helloooo GDPR.
***dont post pictures from my video , the pictures are blur as hell , but still recognizable.

Just give it 8 hours of reading? Hah !!! I too have no interest in discussing this any further either. But hey, good luck lecturing people on the internet about what they should or shouldn't post, especially if the source is material you yourself present on an international discusion forum.
The pictures that has been posted come from my video, Not acceptable by me and not approved. I want to be clear . You can post whatever you like online. Anyways. Just give it 8 hours of reading ok? I think its worth it If it Is that important to you as you say . You ll comprehend everything. If not read further. Moreover its is an EU legislation . Not UK , not US. I dont have neither the time nor the interest to discuss it further.
***Complete silence by you ro anyone regarding my dashcam which was my point of interest and Helloooo GDPR.
***dont post pictures from my video , the pictures are blur as hell , but still recognizable.
With respect, I would give up now. I doubt you're going to get anymore help from anyone here, especially if you keep posting the way you do. What you're asking and typing just doesnt make sense (and thats the polite version)
With respect, I would give up now. I doubt you're going to get anymore help from anyone here, especially if you keep posting the way you do. What you're asking and typing just doesnt make sense (and thats the polite version)
I realise. Now that that you have the video, please just erase and do not circulate. Don’t share. Don’t post . When I wrote *** xxx ***xxx , I had already concluded in This post.
If this post will stay alive, I hope it will help someone Put everything under perspective .
that was all .