A229 Pro 4k Bitrates

Just throwing this out there, but even with my 229 pro, the distance that I see in your Video seems a fair distance away from your car and with my 229 at the same distance or approximate, I can’t see the license plate either if I pinch and zoom in. Might this be the reason? Just too far in front to get a clear picture of the license plate?
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Here is a photo of the front cam. As you can when zooming in the plate is not readable.
Unfortunately, we can't see that in 4K due to this website reducing it to a quarter resolution, but I can see that your plates are not as big as European plates, so you can't expect to read them at the same distances as in other people's videos. From what I can see, it appears to be working OK, it looks like it is probably too far to be able to read that plate even if it is working perfectly. Need the A229 Telephoto version for that distance with that plate size.

Another thing I have seen is jittering with a vehicle passing by. Could be the result of 30fps and not 60fps as some other dash cams offer.
At 30fps you will not see the video as perfectly smooth movement, it should move at 30 frames every second, your video player may allow you to advance one frame at a time so that you can check this. If you are watching TV at 30fps then they ensure that there is plenty of motion blur so that it looks smooth anyway, but a dashcam will have a sharp image without motion blur, so you should be able to see individual frames if you concentrate.