A329 Improvement Wishlist

Using USB 3.0, can make the files transfer much faster.
My PC needs a lot of time just to list almost 15000 video files from the Parking folder (for the moment I am driving just few minutes almost daily).

15000 parking video files.jpg

I hope the dashcam will not struggle with thousands of videos.
To avoid in some way this, Viofo should make the default video length as 2 minutes or 3 minutes. I know the autoevent detection is creating 45 seconds videos in parking mode, but at least in driving mode to have less videos.
My PC needs a lot of time just to list almost 15000 video files from the Parking folder
785GB E: drive. is that a large microSD, or are you copying your camera files to a PC disk for storage?
I know the autoevent detection is creating 45 seconds videos in parking mode,
With all that storage available, you could have more than 45 seconds for an event.
LYTIA - relating to light

It seems that Sony pronounce it : Light e ah
Not "Lit", as most people seem to be doing.

Hah! Ever the fusspot, eh, Nigel? :smuggrin:

The reason most people tend to pronounce words or names spelled with a prefix of "LY" is because words or names that begin with "LY" are traditionally pronounced as "Li" as in Lydia (lĭd′ē-ə).

Sony seems likely to have come up with a product name pronunciation problem for themselves here if what you say is correct.
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