alternating red/blue flashing led's


New Member
Jan 19, 2015
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United States
I recently bought an 0803. It has the firmware ver FW20140611 v1.0.

I'm curious as to what mode it is in when the system is flashing alternately between the red record light and the blue on/off light?

Also, what is happening when the (while in record) blue on/off light flashes quickly as blue and red.? Is that when it is switching to a new file?

Thanks in advance, dd
If it's like the 0801, it will flash red when it's still charging the internal battery. Flashing blue either way = recording in progress (pretty sure)
Thanks for the fast response!

I'll try to get a video of it. I'm not sure I clearly explained because I asked two questions which were very similar, but I'll try again.

The first question deals with the blue power led on the camera and the red record led in the upper right corner of the screen. After turning the camera on, I want to go into setup, so I do a long push on OK. This puts the camera in a mode where the red record button is flashing alternately with the blue power button.

Pressing OK should simply turn off recording and I should be able to then do a long press on the up-button and go into setup.

It will eventually go into setup, but I have to go through the sequence several times.

So that's the first question "what mode is in or what is it doing when those two led's flash alternately"?

The second situation is when the camera is operating in the car. Occassionally, I look up at it and the power led is alternately and very quickly flashing red and blue. Only the power led is doing the flashing. It itself is flashing the red and blue and doing it very fast. The flashing lasts a few seconds then goes back to a steady blue. Is it switching files during that time?

Thanks, dd