Amusing... (Must get past the learner, and then I get the bird!)

Paul Iddon

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Viofo A139 Pro 4K, A129 Pro Duo 4K, A229 Duo 2K, & NB 522GW
Just a couple of amusing moments on the way - firstly the Alfa Romeo and the BMW just had to get past the learner (the VW Golf kinda hindered them) and it always raises a smile with me when drivers seem to HAVE to get past a learner, and then a bit further up the road, the red Mitsubishi Colt was never gonna stop at the amber (or red light) but had the temerity to give me the middle finger as he jumped through the lights!

I like your move on the little red car, but the occupant will probably not learn from it, or actually get what went on :rolleyes:
I like your move on the little red car, but the occupant will probably not learn from it, or actually get what went on :rolleyes:

There is a camera on the corner of the crossroads which may have caught the car crossing - fortunately, as I am already in the process of making my turn (awaiting the safe gap) I am OK - the camera doesn't register me.

The lessons you refer to are never learnt I suspect - not often enough anyway...
I think the bird are just a reflex, its not like the person know how late it was, so just fire off the bird when anyone do something "stupid" that the person never do.

Its been a while since i last ran a too late green, but it will probably happen again as its one of those poor judgments so easy to make, but at least i know it the instant it happen, and i do feel stupid in the moment.