Android app getting timeout error when trying to access recordings


Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
United States
I can change settings on the camera but when i access the recordings it wont get to it, i restarted camera and app, no change

I am not using the VPN
Have you had any success since posting this?
Happy to help if you still need it.
Can you try to do it again, if you use a big capacity memory card and have lots of files in the card, this may cause time out while app getting the file list.
You can fix this problem after switching to apk mod here. With apk mod applications you will experience a new and more wonderful experience.
Last edited:
You can fix this problem after switching to apk mod here. With apk mod applications you will experience a new and more wonderful experience.

You can fix this problem after switching to apk mod. With apk mod applications you will experience a new and more wonderful experience.
Is there a really ssslllooowwww, slightly off echo here? :D