Another Idiot ,Wait for car to get close,Then pull out infront

Bad jugement call on the part of the guy at the stop sign, even i know what they mean and i am a fooking Dane :p
@ kamkar 1 ...........True kamkar true but at the very least a...... GREAT DANE.......Ipol :D
Wow, what a dummy. I had something similar like that happen. But it was at a 3 way stop. I don't think the dummy knew it was a 3 way stop but they didn't even stop either.

Wow, what a dummy. I had something similar like that happen. But it was at a 3 way stop. I don't think the dummy knew it was a 3 way stop but they didn't even stop either.

I would like to see these idiots try this running stop signs in front of a freight train.