any great sales on the 0803 w/ gps???


Jul 15, 2014
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I'm looking for one of these to try even though i have 2 G1W's already....where's the cheapest to get a legit one?
I planned to buy one from Foxoffer soon.
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Try, you can also buy it from Amazon but Amazon sell there products from a huge stockpile. You never know if you have the latest version if it's from Amazon.
Since quality control is so dicey, saving a few engraved pieces of paper should not be Priority #1. Amazon purchases—when shipped by Amazon—will cost you a slice more, but when problems arise, you'll be glad you spent a few percent more.
Try, you can also buy it from Amazon but Amazon sell there products from a huge stockpile. You never know if you have the latest version if it's from Amazon.

Buying from Foxoffer is no guarantee that you'll receive the latest version. The Min 803 that I received today from them has the old-style GPS mount. I'd like to hope that it does have the recently added heat-sync but I'm not going to open the shell to check.
Buying from Foxoffer is no guarantee that you'll receive the latest version. The Min 803 that I received today from them has the old-style GPS mount. I'd like to hope that it does have the recently added heat-sync but I'm not going to open the shell to check.
I bought one from them last two weeks but I could not find any heatsink when I X-ray it using 5DX machine.
Before I bought from them, billknow replied to my concern to indicate that they only carrier new versions with heatsink added:
"We sold the updated version 2 week ago, normally we keep limited in stock, so it is easy for us to move to the new version.
Ebay Store:
Aliexpress Store:
billknow, Aug 16, 2014"
from this thread:
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Foxoffer don't get their cameras from Rayman so no point asking him to confirm anything
I edited my post to clarify. The reply was from billknow (from FoxOffer)
The Mini 0801/0803 varied factory sources have always confused me. It's hard to keep track which batch is better than the others.
This is a big issue with the 0803, you never know where it has come from or which firmware to use. From what I have deduced later dated firmware is not necessarily the one with the most fixes, enhancements or fine tuning.
Fyi. I have been told by Foxoffer that the new GPS bracket has only been produced in limited quantity for testing and that mass production will be available after 15th Sept.
Fyi. I have been told by Foxoffer that the new GPS bracket has only been produced in limited quantity for testing and that mass production will be available after 15th Sept.
The big question is will all sources of the 0803 provide the modified mount or is it only Foxoffers supplier?
The big question is will all sources of the 0803 provide the modified mount or is it only Foxoffers supplier?
Somebody, I think jokiin, said that there was only one source of the cases in which case the answer to the big question is a definite yes :)
I bought one from them last two weeks but I could not find any heatsink when I X-ray it using 5DX machine.
Before I bought from them, billknow replied to my concern to indicate that they only carrier new versions with heatsink added:
"We sold the updated version 2 week ago, normally we keep limited in stock, so it is easy for us to move to the new version.
Ebay Store:
Aliexpress Store:
billknow, Aug 16, 2014"
from this thread:

Page 3 ‘Heat Sink Added Into 0803

FoxOffer reply via email, “Yes, we ship the latest version with heat sink installed”. We’re still investigating.

What is the exact date of purchase from FoxOffer?
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Page 3 ‘Heat Sink Added Into 0803

FoxOffer reply via email, “Yes, we ship the latest version with heat sink installed”. We’re still investigating.

What is the exact date of purchase from FoxOffer?
My mini 0803 came with new mount design.
It was shipped Wednesday, Aug. 20th and its weight was 62.0 g.
My mini 0803 came with new mount design.
It was shipped Wednesday, Aug. 20th and its weight was 62.0 g.

Thank you very much. Is there a heat sink employed in the unit you ordered. We're still crunching numbers. So, according to your previous post at 2:21 A:M, you believe that you were to receive a heat sink, is that correct?
Thank you very much. Is there a heat sink employed in the unit you ordered. We're still crunching numbers. So, according to your previous post at 2:21 A:M, you believe that you were to receive a heat sink, is that correct?
I don't want to open it up just to check for heatsink for now.
I did X-ray it using a 5DX machine which can see it in 3D when I rotated it but I could not find any heatsink on the Ambarella A7LA50D chip.