Reset the Vezo and managed to connect for a while. Screenshots from my phone of the app interface that I was able to grab while it was working.
Still can't get it to detect the SIM card, and after about five minutes, I couldn't connect/reconnect to the Vezo, either.
WHEN it works, you can go to Live View, and select Mode in the lower right (pic 3). You can choose front, rear, or dual view.
Selecting the Gallery icon then lets you choose what videos/images to view - those on the Vezo itself, Local, or the cloud.
The 4th screenshot shows the Vezo360 viewing options. Snapshot are stills you can take manually by touching a button on top of the Vezo. There's a button for each camera, front or rear.
"Loop" are the recordings made while you're driving. I have Vezo set to make 3 minute recordings. When the memory card gets filled, the oldest are overwritten first.
"Accident" are events that trigger the G-force detector. Those videos are segregated so they can't automatically be overwritten.
The only way I can get video and images off the Vezo right now is to remove the SD card, which leaves me open to camera theft. <Poof!> Evidence is gone with the camera. Not what I want.
Hope someone else finds this helpful or useful in some way. As I make more progress, I'll post additional material. And I'm open to any suggestions.
Have you heard of anyone else in the FB group getting their Vezo?