
New Member
Sep 16, 2015
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United States
So I have been having issues with the Mini 806 for about 4 months. I bought it just over a year ago, and it seemed to work fine besides the magnetic filter vibrating in my car.

Basically it turns off and on constantly when driving. Sometimes there is a mixture of on and off within a second. I have chime on, so I hear it constantly. I thought that maybe the connection was bad, so I would un-mount and remount it constantly when driving.

Today I plugged it into my computer for several minutes. The millisecond that I disconnected it, the mini 806 shut off. It used to stay on for much longer periods, at the very least doing the shut down sequence.

I guess that this is either the result of a dead battery or a loose connection to the battery.

Questions: Do you agree with my theory? If so, are there any instructions on how to open up the mini 806 and good quality batteries or capacitors to buy?
could be the battery but just to make sure - take a real good look when it comes on to see if it spits out an error message. It has happened on mine three times and it turned out to be an error associated with the card such as a 'fragment error'. In all three cases, reformatting the card made the problem go away. Couldn't hurt.... then you can say more for sure it's a power issue.'