Banggood kudos


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Uncanny Valley (●_●)
United States
Dash Cam
I've placed several orders with Banggood now and my experience with them, especially something that happened recently compels me to offer a big shout-out and endorsement.

My first order from them five months ago, some Mobius replacement parts, super-caps and accessories arrived in less than 10 days here in northeastern USA in good shape all the way from their China warehouse. Since then I've placed several other orders and while they took longer to get here the experiences were positive and they seem to be really good about communicating and following up with orders. The products have generally been of decent quality and met my expectations of what I was going to receive. They also ship stuff promptly, usually within 24 hours. Everything I've ordered has been in stock that their web site said was in stock. (I know, some people haven't been so lucky with this.)

One time, I had a minor problem that I've since learned many others had too. I ordered some neodymium magnets and the order showed four magnets in the photo and definitely gave the impression that you were going to receive four with the order. The package I received only had one in the envelope so I dropped them a brief email about it. They replied very promptly to explain that the offer was really only for one piece. So what did they do? They sent me one new magnet free of charge, a friendly note and refunded the original purchase price! How cool is that?! I've seen in the comments sections on the site that others have had the same problems with how many items are in each of their offers. Since then they seem to have taken steps on their web site to clarify how many magnets are included in each offer.

OK, so now to the reason for this post. Recently, I ordered a Mobius Wide Angle Lens module from them and when it finally arrived it had a problem where the upper right corner was out of focus and generally it had not such great overall image quality. Several people here at DCT and on the RCgroups forum have offered instructions on how to place a shim between the lens and the sensor to remedy the problem and I thought if I tried that and refocused the lens everything would be fine. Installing a shim is a fussy repair job but it went very smoothly and indeed it did fix the out of focus upper right corner but even after carefully trying to refocus the lens several times it began to become clear that something else wasn't quite right. The images were nowhere as clear and sharp as my other Mobius cameras. There was a strange subtle granular fuzziness, especially in certain sections of the image. I began to suspect that something else was wrong. Eventually, it became clear that there was probably something wrong with the sensor module itself. I thought maybe I damaged the sensor during the shim repair but review of older video samples confirmed the issue existed since the beginning.

I figured that I was out almost 30 bucks over this bit of bad luck but finally I decided to contact Banggood and see what they might do so I sent them a brief email with several full size screen shots explaining my troubles and my efforts to fix it. I wasn't keen on spending the money to ship the defective module back to China so I almost didn't bother to contact them.

Maybe it was because it was the weekend or maybe they were mulling over how to respond because I had no reply from them for several days. Then finally I got a really nice friendly email two days ago where they said, "We are so sorry....we are willing to send you the new. Will this suit you?" In other words, they were not going to ask me to send the old unit back and offered a replacement, no strings attached. Amazing! This doesn't happen that often in my experience buying from Asia. The only thing they asked of me in the confirmation email they followed up with was, "Could you please kindly wait it with patience?"

Banggood stands behind what they sell after the sale and they know the value of good customer service. Instead of being disappointed or pissed off I have become a loyal customer who will continue to buy from them and recommend them.
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I've placed several orders with Banggood now and my experience with them, especially something that happened recently compels me to offer a big shout-out and endorsement.

My first order from them five months ago, some Mobius replacement parts, super-caps and accessories arrived in less than 10 days here in northeastern USA in good shape all the way from their China warehouse. Since then I've placed several other orders and while they took longer to get here the experiences were positive and they seem to be really good about communicating and following up with orders. The products have generally been of decent quality and met my expectations of what I was going to receive. They also ship stuff promptly, usually within 24 hours. Everything I've ordered has been in stock that their web site said was in stock. (I know, some people haven't been so lucky with this.)

One time, I had a minor problem that I've since learned many others had too. I ordered some neodymium magnets and the order showed four magnets in the photo and definitely gave the impression that you were going to receive four with the order. The package I received only had one in the envelope so I dropped them a brief email about it. The replied very promptly to explain that the offer was really only for one piece. So what did they do? They sent me one new magnet free of charge, a friendly note and refunded the original purchase price! How cool is that?! I've seen in the comments sections on the site that others have had the same problems with how many items are in each of their offers. Since then they seem to have taken steps on their web site to clarify how many magnets are included in each offer.

OK, so now to the reason for this post. Recently, I ordered a Mobius Wide Angle Lens module from them and when it finally arrived it had a problem where the upper right corner was out of focus and generally it had not such great overall image quality. Several people here at DCT and on the RCgroups forum have offered instructions on how to place a shim between the lens and the sensor to remedy the problem and I thought if I tried that and refocused the lens everything would be fine. Installing a shim is a fussy repair job but it went very smoothly and indeed it did fix the out of focus upper right corner but even after carefully trying to refocus the lens several times it began to become clear that something else wasn't quite right. The images were nowhere as clear and sharp as my other Mobius cameras. There was a strange subtle granular fuzziness, especially in certain sections of the image. I began to suspect that something else was wrong. Eventually, it became clear that there was probably something wrong with the sensor module itself. I thought maybe I damaged the sensor during the shim repair but review of older video samples confirmed the issue existed since the beginning.

I figured that I was out almost 30 bucks over this bit of bad luck but finally I decided to contact Banggood and see what they might do so I sent them a brief email with several full size screen shots explaining my troubles and my efforts to fix it. I wasn't keen on spending the money to ship the defective module back to China so I almost didn't bother to contact them.

Maybe it was because it was the weekend or maybe they were mulling over how to respond because I had no reply from them for several days. Then finally I got a really nice friendly email two days ago where they said, "We are so sorry....we are willing to send you the new. Will this suit you?" In other words, they were not going to ask me to send the old unit back and offered a replacement, no strings attached. Amazing! This doesn't happen that often in my experience buying from Asia.

Banggood stands behind what they sell after the sale and they know the value of good customer service. Instead of being disappointed or pissed off I have become a loyal customer who will continue to buy from them and recommend them.
It looks like sales and marketing team of banggood knows no1 rule of succesful trade:
- 1 happy customer will bring you over some period 12 more new customers ( via word of mouth ).
It looks like sales and marketing team of banggood knows no1 rule of succesful trade:
- 1 happy customer will bring you over some period 12 more new customers ( via word of mouth ).
Especially in the dashcam world, cuz it's a small community (at least for us English speakers)
Hello to all! I am looking to buy a Mobius Camera and some accessories and discovered that Banggood has an UK warehouse. Does this mean that the delivery from UK warehouse to any EU country is free of VAT and import taxes? Thank you!
Hello to all! I am looking to buy a Mobius Camera and some accessories and discovered that Banggood has an UK warehouse. Does this mean that the delivery from UK warehouse to any EU country is free of VAT and import taxes? Thank you!

I'm not quite sure this is the appropriate thread for this question but as far as I know the answer is that shipping to you from the UK will get the products to you faster than if they are shipped from China but you probably still get stuck with VAT and taxes. I'll bet Niko knows more about this than I do since I'm in the US.
@Dashmellow : I am sorry for posting my question here. Please, accept my apologies!
Banggood's China location near by Airport in Guangzhou, one of the largest transport center in China, DHL and others has distribution centers there.

The shipping would be faster than other.
Banggood's China location near by Airport in Guangzhou, one of the largest transport center in China, DHL and others has distribution centers there.

The shipping would be faster than other.

I've noticed that Banggood seems to get your order packed and out the door faster than some vendors who can take days or longer to get the package to the shipper or send you notification.
I'm not quite sure this is the appropriate thread for this question but as far as I know the answer is that shipping to you from the UK will get the products to you faster than if they are shipped from China but you probably still get stuck with VAT and taxes. I'll bet Niko knows more about this than I do since I'm in the US.
VAT / Taxes depending on DECLARED VALUE of the package and how "active" is customs guy on his shift. I hope you know what I mean ;)
@niko: since Dashmellow has nothing against to post here some question, do you know if Banggood puts on the package the address of the UK warehouse or the China one?
I think if they put an UK address and send to EU, you have a better chance to not pay any VAT/Taxes
@niko: since Dashmellow has nothing against to post here some question, do you know if Banggood puts on the package the address of the UK warehouse or the China one?
I think if they put an UK address and send to EU, you have a better chance to not pay any VAT/Taxes
Its all depends on what you buy. They have some stock that shipped from UK warehouse. U must check their website about UK stock.
I wanted a new work phone to replace my crappy old Nokia they've supplied and just ordered a Cubot X6 from Banggood which is being shipped from the UK warehouse.

I've gone with the UK registered delivery option so am looking forward to see how they get on - have to admit I'm really tempted to order a Mobius from them too :D
Just an update to my first post. I received my replacement Mobius Wide Angle lens module from Banggood today. Two weeks from China for a customer service replacement part is great service! And this is considering that they said, "Could you please kindly wait it with patience?"
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So, I have another good customer service experience with Banggood to report.

Their special coupon deal on the G1WH was too good to pass up, so I decided to buy one to experiment with as a side facing camera out the right side rear, darkly tinted window of my Toyota extended cab truck. With the these factory dark tinted windows you pretty much can't see any camera. I've already got an older dash cam (DR32) facing out the rear left side and this will give me the 360 degree coverage many of us have discussed here at DCT. I really like having these side facing cameras. Sometimes traffic streaks by too fast for capturing much of anything but other times I capture footage that amazes me and that I would otherwise never see. The side cameras are especially effective when you come to a traffic light or stop sign as they record cars coming at you from the sides as they travel down the road from a perpendicular direction. If someone ever runs a red light and hits me, I'll sure be glad I have side facing cameras.

Anyway, the camera I ordered arrived promptly but the tightening knob on the mount was missing. I wrote to them with a photo and asked only for a replacement knob but they promptly sent me a whole new suction mount. It's nice that even with such a cheap product I got friendly helpful service and I was surprised how fast they got the replacement to me.

On another note, when I received the Mobius wide angle module replacement I wrote Banggood customer support thanking them for the good service and fast delivery and also told them how pleased I was with how well the new lens worked compared to the one they replaced. I did this because they could have made me send back the defective lens module but they didn't and I wanted them to know I appreciated it. Someone took the time to send me a really nice reply thanking me for my business. Some of these Chinese general merchandise merchants just want to move product and don't give a damn once the goods are out the door but Banggood seems to do things right.
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