base power connection issue


New Member
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Lukas LK-7900 Ace
Today was the first day using the 0803 and I've run in to a bit of an issue. The camera doesn't seem to be able to keep a solid power connection with the GPS base. This has the new base and there is still a fair bit of wobble, or at least more than I was expecting.

When the camera is connected to the base and is powered, I can interrupt the power by gently jiggling or poking at the camera with my finger. Take a look at this video


I'm pushing and wiggling the camera near where it connects to the base. The car is in ACC and the unit is powered. Note the LED.

I'd love some suggestions. This is a very new purchase and fortunately I have a warranty from purchasing domestically.
if you do a search on here for the shim trick or the paper fix, it'll get you sorted. Either that or buy the newer mount, the paper trick worked for me though.
Should be no need to do the paper shim mod as the OP has stated they have the new mount.

Have you ensured the camera is fully engaged with the mount? Have you tried powering the camera by the cameras onboard usb?
This has the new base and there is still a fair bit of wobble, or at least more than I was expecting.
I think it is supposed to wobble when pushed, the spring loaded pins should keep it tight enough to operate correctly and not wobble in use. Remember that it only weighs 64 grams and your probably using far more force than that to make it wobble. While your actually moving the pins an imperfect connection should probably be expected however it should always end up connected when movement stops. If it is loosing contact in normal use then there is a problem...
Thanks for the input, guys! The camera was fully engaged with the mount, and the onboard power works fine... the lack of solid connection was disconcerting enough for me to return it and am going to give a Lukas LK-7900 a try instead. Again, thanks for taking the time to provide feedback.
Its dissapointing that we already have a mount issue reported on one of the new mounts.
Currently awaiting a replacement mount of the new type. The issue for me appeared to be at the USB connection rather than at the camera.
Currently awaiting a replacement mount of the new type. The issue for me appeared to be at the USB connection rather than at the camera.
I've had a similar issue, which I believe is the power cable pins, and no the mount.

I've found that if you twist the power cable's plug in one direction, it makes a solid connection. Unfortunately this doesn't last long.

The issue occurs on both the mount as well as directly plugged into the camera. I have tried another USB cable with a generic USB cigarette-lighter for power, and there is no issue. Foxoffer are sending me out a replacement power cable, so hopefully that works.
same problem here. my cure was a drill hole in the mount and direct-soldering the wires from the miniusb cable.

DSC09769[/url] by rtrski, on Flickr[/IMG]

In case the image links aren't working (still not entirely sure how to do them here):