Basic Camera $100 Budget


New Member
May 30, 2015
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United States
I just got a new truck and I want to protect my investment. I use it for work (road construction) and insurance claims can be huge. We have seen people run out in front of trucks trying to get hit. I don't feel I need anything fancy. I don't see why I would need GPS. I don't care about parking lots. If someone scratches or bumps my truck I won't have a heart attack. I just can't afford to have an insurance claim that is not my fault if that situation ever came about. I was looking at the Mobius camera, wasn't sure if there was something better in my price range than that camera. Mostly concerned with daytime, I don't travel or work at night. I feel I'd only need one camera.

Any other suggestions or is the Mobius the best bang for the buck?

Thank you.
Hi and welcome to forum.
What part of US you live ? If it's too hot, then consider a capacitor version dashcamera., Mobius has an option to change batteries to capacitor. If you don't need a screen, have an Android smartphone ( for instant playback and files download ) and need a stealth dashcam, then Mobius is a good choice.
If you need something with screen, then there is a B40 / A118-C ( capacitor version ). Also a good little dascham with built in capacitor and nice day video recording. However there has been reports of image going blur if you use it in hot climate due to poor shell design ( airflow and plastic lens holder ), - need to do some DIY on improving an air flow.
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While I don't have one there has been talk about the Mobius loosing focus in heat due to the new lens base they are using, I would maybe suggest a B40/A118C
I'm currently working in North Carolina.
EDIT: I don't see why I'd need a screen. I'd only need to look at video once I knew there was something I needed to see. Also being on a construction site it will have advantages since we get to see funny things all the time.
While I don't have one there has been talk about the Mobius loosing focus in heat due to the new lens base they are using, I would maybe suggest a B40/A118C

What does it matter if you're in the car with A/C? Wouldn't that drop the risk of heat issues? Or does it have to do with sitting in the car?
While driving it would be no problem, they pop up when the car with the camera inside have been parked in the sun for some time.

Offcourse you can take the camera out of the car while parked, but i think most of us users have it in the car all the time all year.
Even up here in Denmark where the very best summerdays only get as hot as 30 Deg C, the regular summer days still make the car become extremely hot inside.
Sitting in the car plus the heat the camera makes while running