Blackvue app now has ADS


New Member
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
United States
I paid around $800 for the DR900S-2CH and the B-124 just to have Blackvue now show ads in their official app (IOS). Now before I want to watch a video stored on my camera I have to watch an ad.
I will never purchase another Blackvue product.
a couple of threads about this here already, seems not too many users here that pay the $10 a month to be ad free
as someone pointed out if you get an alert while parked the 15 seconds you have to wait before you see what it's about could make a lot of difference, not a good business decision whoever came up with this one, have yet to see anyone that isn't annoyed by it, wonder how long before they stop doing it
Agree with all of the posts so far. The imposition of these ads has me fuming - it’s nothing but blackmail - anyone who’s purchased a BlackVue would almost certainly have researched enough to know all the aspects advertised - so what’s the point? free income - terrible decision - won’t be recommending Black Vue from now on. Come on guys get rid of the ads now
Never again. I will never EVER buy another product from this company again because of this.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
None of my wifi-enabled camera apps run ads AFAIK. Are BlackVue the only ones?
None of my wifi-enabled camera apps run ads AFAIK. Are BlackVue the only ones?
It's related to their cloud service, they're serving up a selection of 15 second ads prior to connecting for users who use the already limited free version, no ads for the $10 a month and above users
Here's what I just e-mailed to their Customer Support. I don't expect a response:

Hopefully your management is taking a look at your recent app feedback and looking at the popular dashcam forums. Since your recent “updates” that now jam endless ads on your paying customers, your reputation is taking a massive hit.

And no, it’s not a “free plan”, it’s the plan you advertised originally as a feature of the mega-expensive camera I bought and paid for. So no, that excuse ain’t gonna cut it. I have no problem with you offering a “premium” plan, with additional features I may or may not care about enough to pay for (hint: I don’t). But making the original functionality super-annoying to use is losing you friends at an alarming rate. At least, you should be alarmed.

Do the right thing: reverse this (and ideally apologize profusely to your customers) quickly, before it’s too late. Your loyal users who used to recommend your cameras, are now starting to recommend competitors (and that includes me).
So I did get a reply. I won't bore you with all the details, but the gist is that they're finding running all these cloud servers to be expensive, the user base is expanding, and the implication is that revenue from the camera sales isn't paying for the server costs. So somehow the ads are going to help with this, the implication being that maybe we'll start seeing ads for other stuff (like most ad-based apps?).

He did promise to forward my concerns to management (hopefully unedited, so the message is crystal clear).

I plan to reply that they'd probably get a lot less push back if the ad was less intrusive, and less often (once per session rather than per file?).

For all others irritated by this, recommend you also send a note to Be polite, but clear. :-)
So I did get a reply. I won't bore you with all the details, but the gist is that they're finding running all these cloud servers to be expensive, the user base is expanding, and the implication is that revenue from the camera sales isn't paying for the server costs. So somehow the ads are going to help with this, the implication being that maybe we'll start seeing ads for other stuff (like most ad-based apps?).

He did promise to forward my concerns to management (hopefully unedited, so the message is crystal clear).

I plan to reply that they'd probably get a lot less push back if the ad was less intrusive, and less often (once per session rather than per file?).

For all others irritated by this, recommend you also send a note to Be polite, but clear. :)

they're getting hammered on the reviews
Any one notice how many Danes that have been posting about the APP, Danes are not know for smart decisions on buying stuff, the penetration of Apple products here say that in spades, but a lot of other analogs too.
Any one notice how many Danes that have been posting about the APP, Danes are not know for smart decisions on buying stuff, the penetration of Apple products here say that in spades, but a lot of other analogs too.

can't tell where the users are from, the sentiment is the same regardless though, they're not winning any friends right now
Now that i think i might just see Danish user feedback as i am in Denmark :giggle: i just hate when sites do that BS, i couldn't care less about what my fellow countrymen think about this or that.
But of course it is Google :mad:
Now that i think i might just see Danish user feedback as i am in Denmark :giggle: i just hate when sites do that BS, i couldn't care less about what my fellow countrymen think about this or that.
But of course it is Google :mad:

it takes you to your region app store by default, that's the right way to do it as not all apps are available in all regions so it won't show you stuff you can't access
Hot off the presses! Management took note of the feedback and has rolled back the ads. New app versions are rolling out as we speak.
They did the right thing removing the ads. Whatever else we may think about this company, kudos to them for reversing that really bad decision.

If they decide they need revenue to survive, in my opinion, we should get minimal free video for 30 min per month, or grandfather in existing customers, etc. Or even $0.99 per month is bearable. But a sudden unannounced $10 per month was absurd.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
Maybe they should rethink what services they offer in the cloud offering for free.

If people want cloud storage, then they can pay the monthly fee for it to support the server fees. If they want more than one device with cloud services to store video in the cloud, then they can pay for the higher tier.

Others, like me, just want to be able to access the device or devices directly through the internet without using cloud services to store data and shouldn't have to pay for the ability to simply establish a direct link from my phone or laptop to the dashcam(s) connected to the web. I don't see how such a routing service should be expensive to maintain if they build it right. (whereas I can see how a cloud data storage service needs to be paid for somehow).
I cant see myself needing this cloud stuff in any way, but if i did i would prefer to be able to direct the camera to my own NAS or something at home.
In general i don't use any form of cloud storage, aside for sharing dashcam related stuff on MEGA or google drive, i would not use such services for anything personal that's for damn sure.