BlackVue App Update


Active Member
Jun 5, 2021
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900X Plus-2CH, DR900S-2CH. (+ several previous)
The latest update to this App for Android quotes a few improvements. Unfortunately BlackVue seem to have misunderstood the term "improve".

They say they've improved the password saving function but now, whereas the previous version used to automatically insert log-in details, it's necessary to manually enter the password at every login, as the password is never saved!

I got round that failure by reverting to v.3.33 of the app, which does work.

It remains to be seen just when BlackVue will release a rectified version.

Unfortunately BlackVue seem to have misunderstood the term "improve".
That is an essential part of the Blackvue experience.
You are now GENUINE Blackvue user.

What did they need to "improve" regarding the password saving anyway? :rolleyes:
Unfortunately I've experienced BlackVue for too long, & their support never improves. Now that's something they could work on!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
I am not having to enter my credentials everytime when using the android app. It is though slower at viewing live view..
Email address is there but password field is blank.

Buyer Beware.png
After much pressure Blackvue finally tell the truth - in part!
It appears the people who pay to use the app "have requested" passwords are not saved & Blackvue have bowed to money, without consideration for the rest.

So, if you want to have your log-in details readily at hand when you use the app do NOT update beyond v.3.34 as Blackvue have no intention of reinstating this useful feature.


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After much pressure Blackvue finally tell the truth - in part!
It appears the people who pay to use the app "have requested" passwords are not saved & Blackvue have bowed to money, without consideration for the rest.
Whoever these paying people/entities are, they are morons. In this day and age secure access is a must, a no-brainer.

As for the Blackvue app development team, they could leverage the biometric security features widely available in modern mobile phones and tablets. No need to save the password. Why don't they do that? Well they don't do that because they are the Blackvue app team, and logic isn't their forte.

It well and truly mystifies me what their reasoning is here. It does cast a shadow over their competence. Maybe their team just doesn't want to learn new things.
I use BitWarden (password manager). Works like a charm to populate username/password. BitWarden itself uses (or can use) biometrics to access the database. I hadn't used the app in a while, so I just upgraded (v3.35), logged in using BitWarden, and it just worked. Subsequent app starts didn't ask me to log in again. I'm just using the free version.

While it might be nice if the app directly used biometrics and stored the password without use of a password manager, it's still possible to get the security you want, and one could argue that it may be better to leave the password management stuff to the experts (like BitWarden) rather than hope some random app developer is doing it right.
I've just checked the Blackvue app on my iPad and iPhone (not my Android devices).

On my iPad I now realise the app has been logged in to my account for months, so the password has not been removed.

On my iPhone I am not logged in at all and have not been for many months. Upon trying to log in on the iPhone I was asked if I would allow FaceID to control access to my account.

So is the login behaviour for the Blackvue app on iOS different to Android?
Whoever these paying people/entities are, they are morons. In this day and age secure access is a must, a no-brainer.
I am informed by Bv agents that this was requested largely by Fleet users, who clearly pay for the upgraded plans.
I use BitWarden (password manager). Works like a charm to populate username/password. BitWarden itself uses (or can use) biometrics to access the database. I hadn't used the app in a while, so I just upgraded (v3.35), logged in using BitWarden, and it just worked. Subsequent app starts didn't ask me to log in again. I'm just using the free version.
I use Norton but they tell me as Bv have removed the p/w function Norton can't resolve that one.

I might look at Bitwarden, or simply stay with v.3.34 of the Bv app. After all, it's working and as they say "if it aint broke don't fix it". ;) Something Blackvue really need to think about!
The latest update to this useless app goes too far. :mad:

They filled the thing with adverts for yet more useless Blackvue stuff and, as if that wasn't bad enough, they've prevented users from reverting to previous app versions.
Unless you agree to update to the latest version the damn thing quits!

Definitley time to dump this ripoff company!
I've not used my Blackvue app in so long the permissions were automatically revoked on my phone and I've not bothered to turn them back on. Heck, I've not even had anything worthy of looking at. For what and how I use it, it's more than I really needed. If it ever goes TU, I'll not be replacing it with another BlackVue, but probably a much cheaper Viofo.
Is 3.33 available to be found? I found 3.36, but it forces you to upgrade to v3.41. I'm guessing 3.33 doesn't?
I've not used my Blackvue app in so long the permissions were automatically revoked on my phone and I've not bothered to turn them back on. Heck, I've not even had anything worthy of looking at. For what and how I use it, it's more than I really needed. If it ever goes TU, I'll not be replacing it with another BlackVue, but probably a much cheaper Viofo.
I'm replacing mine and it still works. The software situation is beyond tolerable. The mandatory upgrades. The mandatory ads. The mandatory internet connection blocking local camera viewing and downloads without it. They believe the sun rises and sets in the cloud and EVERYONE needs to get on board. I refuse to be dictated to, Blackvue can pound sand.
Is 3.33 available to be found? I found 3.36, but it forces you to upgrade to v3.41. I'm guessing 3.33 doesn't?
Try APKPure, they have all versions going back to 3.01.

I didn't try that far back but the ones I did try required the u/d to the latest. BlackVue really sucks!

Edit: I just tried 3.33. It's like all the others, unless you update to the latest version the thing just quits. :mad:
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We are truly sorry for the inconvenience and distress caused by this update. An update (should be 3.42) is coming out (expected next week). It will add:
- a Guest access mode (direct Wi-Fi access without login requirement to access the camera and the downloaded videos).
- The Camera tab will be the new default tab.
- The developers are also working on improving the loading speed of the tabs.
- All in all, it should make it faster than ever before to access one's dashcam over Wi-Fi or Cloud for logged-in users, while still providing options for users who don't want to create an account and users with an account but no internet access.
- The Event Map auto-sharing option will be removed altogether, in order to avoid accidentally sharing videos. Users will only be able to pick and add videos manually.

Thank you.
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience and distress caused by this update. An update (should be 3.42) is coming out (expected next week). It will add:
- a Guest access mode (direct Wi-Fi access without login requirement to access the camera and the downloaded videos).
- The Camera tab will be the new default tab.
- The developers are also working on improving the loading speed of the tabs.
- All in all, it should make it faster than ever before to access one's dashcam over Wi-Fi or Cloud for logged-in users, while still providing options for users who don't want to create an account and users with an account but no internet access.
- The Event Map auto-sharing option will be removed altogether, in order to avoid accidentally sharing videos. Users will only be able to pick and add videos manually.

Thank you.
I look forward to this update in the coming week.

Making you login to access the camera is silly, especially when I don't want or need cloud subscription.

Update 3.42 is live (2023-03-23):​

Release notes:

  1. Added a Guest mode for direct Wi-Fi access without login requirement to access the camera and the app’s downloaded videos.
  2. Removed the Event Map auto-sharing option. Videos must be shared manually.
  3. Changed the default tab to Camera instead of Explore tab, for logged in users.
  4. Improved the loading speed of the tabs.
  5. When losing internet access while logged in, the Emergency mode will allow users to access the “Downloaded videos” folder and the camera over Wi-Fi.
  6. After registering a camera to the Cloud, if a camera is not connected to the Cloud, the camera will default to the Wi-Fi connection method.
  7. The “Do not show” popup option will hide the popup for 7 days instead of 1 day.
  8. Bug fixes and stabilization improvements.

Thank you.