BlackVue DR750S-2CH

cannot use windows 10
already follow instruction in readme.txt
The script should work on Windows 7/8/8.1 as well, though I haven't personally tested it. It's just a simple batch file, and I'm not aware of any reason why ffmpeg wouldn't work on Win7. You just have to make sure when constructing your ffmpeg download that you choose the right bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) for your OS.
The script should work on Windows 7/8/8.1 as well, though I haven't personally tested it. It's just a simple batch file, and I'm not aware of any reason why ffmpeg wouldn't work on Win7. You just have to make sure when constructing your ffmpeg download that you choose the right bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) for your OS.

cannot.. already test with 32 & 64bit.. my pc is windows 10 64bit

Hmm, no idea. I'm on Win10 64-bit and it's working fine for me. What error are you seeing? What exact command-line are you using? It should be (in your sample) "PIP 20180131_114948".
So I updated to the new firmware and wanted to test the camera with the new bit rate, so I set it to extreme. Here's the weird part. If I view the video clips of the front camera through Windows Media Player, they run just fine. However, when I view the front camera video files through the Blackvue Viewer (this is on a Windows 10 machine), it's like they're running in slo-mo mode or something. The rear camera video (which is supposedly running at the same time) runs at normal speed - in the same viewing window! Cycling the slo-mo button does nothing, so it's not like it's applying the effect inadvertently. It just does not seem to like the new bit-rate on my front camera files. This is with the very latest version of the Blackvue SD Card Viewer. It also behaves this way regardless of whether I feed it the videos direct from the SD Card via USB 3.0 or copy those files directly to the (SSD) hard drive and watch them from there. Older files at the standard bit rate look just fine.
Hello, have you tried with the "Use video accelerator" option in the Viewer's settings? It should improve performance. However, I reported your issue to our developers. They will look into it. Thank you.
Hello, have you tried with the "Use video accelerator" option in the Viewer's settings? It should improve performance. However, I reported your issue to our developers. They will look into it. Thank you.

Yes, I've tried with the accelerator on and off. With it on it's slightly better in that the entire video is not in slo-mo, but as you watch, it seems to cycle in and out of slo-mo effect throughout each one-minute segment (a few seconds of normal speed, then a few seconds where it slows down, then speeds up again, etc.)
Easy way to hang the rear camera so it would be easy to remove it :)

That's ingenious!
One thing, just in case: make sure to remove the protective film, though, as it covers the vents of the camera.
Some people like the shiny look procured by the protective film, but it is definitely not recommended to leave it on :)
Thanks! It was peeled right after the installation:)
Yes, I've tried with the accelerator on and off. With it on it's slightly better in that the entire video is not in slo-mo, but as you watch, it seems to cycle in and out of slo-mo effect throughout each one-minute segment (a few seconds of normal speed, then a few seconds where it slows down, then speeds up again, etc.)
I have the same happening running Windows 7 on PC. The firmware is the latest 1.004 & Viewer is 1.16. Trying with accelerator on crashes the viewer program.
Hey everyone - I was having the same issue with front camera clips in the Blackvue Viewer. I tried 2 computers and multiple SD cards with the same result: front cam videos always lagged behind the rear. Interestingly, the effect seemed to be worse on my Samsung 64GB card than on the 16GB Blackvue card. On the Samsung, the front video played back at about half speed.

I saw the suggestion about the video accelerator option, turned it on, and now everything is working perfectly. I'm not sure why it's not working for some, but it's definitely worth trying it if you're experiencing the slo-mo effect on the front camera.
My DR750S warns me of parking mode but the card is still being written on. I have adjusted the motion detector to minimum but that does not help. I can get hours of parking footage. My DR500GW was the same.

Supported Models Supported Versions
DR900S-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR750S-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR650GW-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR650S-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR590W-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR590-1/2CH All Firmware Versions
DR450-1CH Firmware from Version v1.004 and up
DR430-2CH Firmware from Version v1.001 and up
DR470-2CH Firmware from Version v1.001 and up
DR490L-2CH All Firmware Versions
DR490-2CH All Firmware Versions

For older models or firmware versions, please update or download and use the Legacy Viewer further below.
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Night vision in parking mode


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I only asked because 'the wisdom of the forum' seems to be that a lot of the problems with the BV devices seems to be associated with high ambient temperature.
BlackVue DR750S-2CH
Our client, the crew commander, performs a flight from Minsk to Africa.


During the flight ...


Continuation will be later ...
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