Bluetooth Pairing - 2 Phones


New Member
Jun 8, 2019
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United Kingdom
I am using the new 422GW.

My wife and I both use the same car. It seems that you can only pair one phone at a time if you want to use Emergency SOS. Each time one of us uses the car solo we have to delete the other’s pairing before pairing one’s own.

Is there any way around this?

There is currently no way of pairing two phones at the same time I'm sorry but I'll feed back that you have requested it and it may change int he future.
This doesn't make sense and if the case is quite a bad limitation.

I understand why only one phone may be connected to the device at one time but to only be able to have one phone in the paired phones list is rediculous.

The fact the menu says "Paired Phones" (not "Paired Phone") and the icon is of 2 phones is therefore quite misleading to buyers and the manual says "list of paired phones" - it's misled my purchase

Just to be clear im differentiating between paired and connected - can understand one connected not only one paired and it's quite a big limitation.

(For clarity I have the 522GW with 16.3)
I agree, this is an essential feature for most families. I would appreciate an update as to whether this will be added at a later date. We have a 522gw on 16.3
Hi m60kaf and Rickydg,

Thanks for your feedback. I've talked to our Tech team and they've asked me to inform you that apps will be multiple paired devices compatible with a future app update. I can't give a specific date yet, but it is in the Featured Plan and I'll let you know when i'm informed of the update date.

Millie- Nextbase
Hi m60kaf and Rickydg,

Thanks for your feedback. I've talked to our Tech team and they've asked me to inform you that apps will be multiple paired devices compatible with a future app update. I can't give a specific date yet, but it is in the Featured Plan and I'll let you know when i'm informed of the update date.

Millie- Nextbase

That’s good news
Hi m60kaf and Rickydg,

Thanks for your feedback. I've talked to our Tech team and they've asked me to inform you that apps will be multiple paired devices compatible with a future app update. I can't give a specific date yet, but it is in the Featured Plan and I'll let you know when i'm informed of the update date.

Millie- Nextbase
Hi - any update on when this update might be coming?
I've just purchased 2x 522GW's and run into this as my Wife and I share the cars.
Hi there,

I still haven't been made aware of the date for this feature to be released. I'll update this thread as soon as the Developers update me.

Kind regards,
Millie- Nextbase
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I’m having the same issue, with the 322GW, Nextbase is probably contravening one or more trade description laws. When will this be sorted!!!!!!
I’m having the same issue, with the 322GW, Nextbase is probably contravening one or more trade description laws. When will this be sorted!!!!!!
Hi there,

We take all laws, both EU and UK, very seriously. If you'd like to put some foundations to your claim, I may be ale to help.
Otherwise I'd recommend deleting your comment. I will be passing it onto our legal team.

Millie- Nextbase
I have the same issue. My wife uses the car probably more than me. A speedy resolution would be great. I take it the dash cam still records while she is in the car and my phone isn’t ?
I have the same issue. My wife uses the car probably more than me. A speedy resolution would be great. I take it the dash cam still records while she is in the car and my phone isn’t ?

Yes, your Dash Cam will always record whilst in the car (as long as a suitable SD is used), whether there's a phone connected or not. So it will definitely record when your wife is driving, even if your phone is the one paired but not inside the vehicle.

Our Development team are currently working on multi-device connectivity, however I do not know of a release date for this feature yet.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience you're experiencing in the meantime.

Millie- Nextbase
I also need this feature. I have a 522GW for my wife's car. We both drive it and each have our own phone. I need it to pair with hers when she drives alone but with mine when I drive alone or with her also in the car.
+1 - I just installed my 522GW and was shocked that I could only pair 1 phone with it (tried several times to pair 2 phones because of the confusing "Paired Phones" text on the pairing screen). Would be great to know when (or if) this feature is definitely coming.
Forgive my ‘half empty’ reply but I doubt whether Nextbase will be able to update any firmware that will allow to phones or iPads at once. I’m very disappointed that this cannot be done as I expected to be able to use my phone Linked to the camera while in the car, plus being able to unhook the phone for connection to my iPad in the house for viewing footage etc on a larger display. Without a doubt Nextbase will string us along on this one. Prepare to grow much older while waiting for this to be sorted.
Newly purchased Nextbase 622GW disappointed to spend an hour or 2 trying to connect 2nd device. Please if you cannot get this update on your unit then please delete Paired Devices in favour of Paired Device. It is then clear for all to see (even your legal team) without trawling through the internet looking for answers.
Hiya. I have also come across this issue.
As this has been mentioned back in 2019 has there been any update yet please?
If I knew that you could only pair 1 device I wouldn't have brought your product as my husband and I share the car.

Seems to be in the shady area of false advertising almost as mentioned above, it states paired devices.

So it's been nearly 3 years (date stated update will include multiple devices 27/09/2019) for the update and seems like we are still waiting.

Please may we have a constructive update?
I have fitted a Nextbase 622 in my wife's car. I also occasionally drive the vehicle.
I have discovered that only one device can be paired with the dash cam which, frankly, is absurd.
I note that this thread has been live for over two years now, without any serious attempt to address customer concerns, or remedy the problem.
I am sure you will agree this is appalling support.
Had I been aware of the unit's shortcomings (and the poor standard of aftersales support) I would not have considered Nextbase.
Will you please advise why it has taken over two years to address this issue and offer a firm date for the necessary actions to be taken?
Regards and thanks