Cannot watch recording and live view using cloude


New Member
Oct 18, 2017
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United Kingdom
I am having problem watching the recording remotely, also I am having problem with the live view, I cannot watch the live view or watch the recording remotely,

I have tried the BlackVue windows viewer (version 1.13) and I tried the Samsung S8+, also I have tried the Huawei P9+, I have the BlackVue app (version V2.61) installed on my phones,

I am getting the following same error messages for the phones and PC:

Every time I try to view the live camera, I get error message "The camera is in use and/or cannot start this function."

Every time I try to view the recording remotely, I get the error message "Camera is in use. Please try again later "

I am using the DR750S-2CH, the camera came with the firmware version V1.001, I have reinstalled the firmware but still facing the same issues.


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Welcome to the club:


I have concluded based on my experience with Blackvue that there is no good reason for these exception messages - in particular those you have pointed out and to which I have posted confirmation. At this point, I have given up on Blackvue ever producing a solid product that is ready for prime time deployment in the field. I just don't see it ever happening.

Try logging out of Cloud Viewer, shutting down the application, restarting, log back in and retry the "Live View" button again. You will find that a lot of these exceptions take place when you are attempting to make Camera Settings changes either via your phone or your computer. Sometimes the camera reconnects to the cloud smoothly and something it won't. The inconsistency is rude, but that's the way it goes with Blackvue.

It is like POC (Proof of Concept) as opposed to an RTM product. A POC is just enough to demonstrate viability but not enough to demonstrate routine reliability. I grew up (literally) in the enterprise software industry. For many years, I watched it grow through all the major phases right up until the bubble burst in the early 2000s. If I've seen this kind of thing once - I've seen it at least a billion times before. Sad, really. But, hey - that's the way the world works. Make the sale first, concern yourself with the quality second - if ever. Smoke and mirrors, really.

I don't think we are going to get Gold delivery of consumer level hi-res car cams with reliable cloud service until auto manufacturers decide that it is time to do so.
When I started in the dashcam game a few years ago there were two brands that responded well to customer desires regards features. Now we have at least 5+ :D With the recent rising clamor for fast useful wifi I expect that we will see it in a year or two, and then it will be followed by other brands who see the sales and want some of them ;) My timeline may be off but the market is there and growing so somebody will certainly fill the void. Blackvue is ideally positioned in the market for this, but in today's tech-savvy world their market approach isn't going to put them on top of that heap but at the bottom instead :oops: A hundred years ago Henry Ford was learning that market position meant little and the "any color as long as it's black" approach doesn't work . I guess Blackvue flunked their history lessons so somebody else is going to be eating their pie too :p It just remains to see who that will be :whistle:

When I started in the dashcam game a few years ago there were two brands that responded well to customer desires regards features. Now we have at least 5+ :D With the recent rising clamor for fast useful wifi I expect that we will see it in a year or two, and then it will be followed by other brands who see the sales and want some of them ;) My timeline may be off but the market is there and growing so somebody will certainly fill the void. Blackvue is ideally positioned in the market for this, but in today's tech-savvy world their market approach isn't going to put them on top of that heap but at the bottom instead :oops: A hundred years ago Henry Ford was learning that market position meant little and the "any color as long as it's black" approach doesn't work . I guess Blackvue flunked their history lessons so somebody else is going to be eating their pie too :p It just remains to see who that will be :whistle:


You mean, any color as long as it is Blackvue, LOL! Yes - Henry Ford, had a lot to learn for one guy doing his part to change the way the world works. I can't help but see a little of that in Elon Musk, over at Tesla. All the heat they've been taking for doing their part to change the world and such, has cost him some personal reputation. But, the way I see it, there are those who are intelligent enough to recognize what he's doing as genius and those who are not. It is not just the electric vehicle. Its the commitment to clean/renewable/sustainable forms of energy. It is also the vision to see humanity extend itself beyond earth to Earth II some day. Space X, will be "learning a lot" about how to do that in their missions to Mars, no doubt.

Failing at Customer Service is unacceptable. It should be one of the easiest things a company can do - yet so many fail at it. Will Blackvue turn the corner on Customer Service and Support - probably not under the current management or leadership. Would Blackvue make for a good "turn-around" candidate that could be bought by someone with a keen interest in driving things forward the right way? Sure, why not. One never knows when that kind of Investor/Entrepreneur is lurking, watching, paying attention and waiting for the right moment to engage. In fact, that kind of individual could be hanging out on this board. One never knows.