Clock resets when unplugged for 3 hours


New Member
Apr 16, 2015
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United States
I got a new SG9665GC yesterday, but every time I have plugged it into my car, the date resets to 2016/01/01, and the timestamps are incorrect until it gets a GPS lock.

Is this just something inherent in all capacitor-based cameras? Is it even possible to use it without GPS and have semi-accurate timestamps?
I got a new SG9665GC yesterday, but every time I have plugged it into my car, the date resets to 2016/01/01, and the timestamps are incorrect until it gets a GPS lock.

Is this just something inherent in all capacitor-based cameras? Is it even possible to use it without GPS and have semi-accurate timestamps?

no, shouldn't happen, will have @Street Guardian USA follow up with you and arrange a replacement, they are out of stock right now so will take a few days extra, we'll need to replace it with a V3
Not normal at all. There is a RTC button battery to keep date and time alive even with no GPS. You can try a "soak charge" letting the camera remain powered for 12-24 hours to see if that jump starts it again. I haven't seen this problem since the older V1 days though so most likely a one off problem. Message me your original order number name shipping address and email address
...There is a RTC button battery to keep date and time alive even with no GPS. You can try a "soak charge" letting the camera remain powered for 12-24 hours to see if that jump starts it again. I haven't seen this problem since the older V1 days...
Not related to this thread but how long should the button battery keep the date/time if not used for an extended period?

Also, will the 'soak charge' refresh the button battery sufficiently to restore normal performance should it go completely dead?
Not related to this thread but how long should the button battery keep the date/time if not used for an extended period?

Also, will the 'soak charge' refresh the button battery sufficiently to restore normal performance should it go completely dead?

if it had just gone flat an extended charge will sort it out, he just got the camera though so this is unlikely, standby for the RTC is generally around a month or more
...standby for the RTC is generally around a month or more
Thanks for the information. I asked because I have a V1 (one of the originals) that's been 'sitting on the shelf' since Sept. 23 (about 10 1/2 weeks now) and the date/time was still accurate. Must be high quality batteries that you use. :)
Well, DT MI, you are exactly in the case of "or more".
I'm having a similar issue where my date jumps a day or two ahead and the time is several hours off everytime I restart the car. Spent a few days checking and adjusting date/time every morning but still having that issue. This happened after hardwiring and adding GPS to my V2. Is there a setting I should be looking for or a firmware update I should've done? Got this unit a few months ago.
I'm having a similar issue where my date jumps a day or two ahead and the time is several hours off everytime I restart the car. Spent a few days checking and adjusting date/time every morning but still having that issue. This happened after hardwiring and adding GPS to my V2. Is there a setting I should be looking for or a firmware update I should've done? Got this unit a few months ago.

It sounds like you have the wrong time zone set. Change the Time Zone to -10 if you're in Hawaii (-8 for California, -5 for New York)

(the default is +10 for Sydney Australia)
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